Vaginas have awesome secret sperm deflectors!



  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    At first I thought this guy was a nut job, but then I saw that Kirk Cameron was defending him, so now I have to rethink my positions, because Kirk Cameron has proven over and over to be a sane, thoughtful person.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Hard to argue with that!
  • This man is an idiot. Who are the people that actually people these fúckers?
  • Also, I hope he gets hit by a bus that is driven by a woman who was recently raped and on her way to get an abortion.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Very dumb thing to say. He didn't do the GOP any favors by this, and he's a moron for staying in the race from a political perspective.

    However, I do hope we get that extra vote on the SCOTUS....
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Lest anyone think that Akin is just a "rogue nutcase" in today's Republican Party:
    Sharon Barnes, a high ranking state Republican, came to the defense of her conservative colleague who she believes only "phrased it (his statement) badly."

    Barnes was quoted by The New York Times saying, "abortion is never an option." Barnes went on to biblically claim that, "If God has chosen to bless this person [the rape victim] with a life, you don’t kill it."

    Is Ms Barnes just another oddball wandering on street corners, muttering crazytalk?

    Not hardly--according to her Linked in profile, Barnes holds the following positions:

    President of The 2nd Congressional District Republican Women
    President of The Republican Women's Club of St. Louis
    Vice President, Membership Committee at National Federation Of Republican Women
    Vice President of The Missouri Federation of Republican Women
    Chairman of The St. Louis City Republican Central Committee
    State Committeewoman, 4th Senate District at Missouri Republican Party
    Committeewoman, 24th Ward at Missouri Republican Party
    Volunteer at GOP Missouri Republican Party

    The reason why GOP leaders are mad at Akin is NOT because he said. What Akin said is squarely within what is now mainstream thinking for the Republican Party.

    They are just mad because he spoke out of turn--kind of like revealing the secret fraternity handshake.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Lest anyone think that Akin is just a "rogue nutcase" in today's Republican Party:
    Sharon Barnes, a high ranking state Republican, came to the defense of her conservative colleague who she believes only "phrased it (his statement) badly."

    Barnes was quoted by The New York Times saying, "abortion is never an option." Barnes went on to biblically claim that, "If God has chosen to bless this person [the rape victim] with a life, you don’t kill it."

    Is Ms Barnes just another oddball wandering on street corners, muttering crazytalk?

    Not hardly--according to her Linked in profile, Barnes holds the following positions:

    President of The 2nd Congressional District Republican Women
    President of The Republican Women's Club of St. Louis
    Vice President, Membership Committee at National Federation Of Republican Women
    Vice President of The Missouri Federation of Republican Women
    Chairman of The St. Louis City Republican Central Committee
    State Committeewoman, 4th Senate District at Missouri Republican Party
    Committeewoman, 24th Ward at Missouri Republican Party
    Volunteer at GOP Missouri Republican Party

    The reason why GOP leaders are mad at Akin is NOT because he said. What Akin said is squarely within what is now mainstream thinking for the Republican Party.

    They are just mad because he spoke out of turn--kind of like revealing the secret fraternity handshake.

    He also forced the Romney camp to publicly take a position on women's rights that was contrary to where Ryan stands.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Lest anyone think that Akin is just a "rogue nutcase" in today's Republican Party:
    Sharon Barnes, a high ranking state Republican, came to the defense of her conservative colleague who she believes only "phrased it (his statement) badly."

    Barnes was quoted by The New York Times saying, "abortion is never an option." Barnes went on to biblically claim that, "If God has chosen to bless this person [the rape victim] with a life, you don’t kill it."

    Is Ms Barnes just another oddball wandering on street corners, muttering crazytalk?

    Not hardly--according to her Linked in profile, Barnes holds the following positions:

    President of The 2nd Congressional District Republican Women
    President of The Republican Women's Club of St. Louis
    Vice President, Membership Committee at National Federation Of Republican Women
    Vice President of The Missouri Federation of Republican Women
    Chairman of The St. Louis City Republican Central Committee
    State Committeewoman, 4th Senate District at Missouri Republican Party
    Committeewoman, 24th Ward at Missouri Republican Party
    Volunteer at GOP Missouri Republican Party

    The reason why GOP leaders are mad at Akin is NOT because he said. What Akin said is squarely within what is now mainstream thinking for the Republican Party.

    They are just mad because he spoke out of turn--kind of like revealing the secret fraternity handshake.

    In Missouri's defense, I believe that they are just sexually suppressed. Have you ever driven along the Highways in Northern Missouri.... I have never seen so many X's on one road.

    And as futile as it may be... I will continue to vote Republican (at least in the primaries) to get the fascists out. With an exception of a few things (like murder, theft, and protecting children) the government has no business telling me how to live my life. And I would like to hope there are more people out there that can't stand the hypocrisy of the Christian Right.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Ok, this guy speaks for every conservative. So I guess every democrat believes the economy is doing fine, business owners didn't "build that", and Romney will put black people in chains. Fair enough.

    I wonder if anyone can answer this question: If the recent mars mission discovers a single cell in the dirt, could we claim that we found life on another planet?
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Open Letter to Rep. Akin from a Woman Who Got Pregnant From Rape:
    . . . .

    Today, I am an attorney and the busy single mother of an amazing second grader. My rape is responsible for both of these roles. You see, I enrolled at Georgetown Law School after learning, firsthand, that pregnancy from rape creates unimaginable obstacles for women who decide to raise the children they conceive through rape. In the vast majority of states, a rapist has the same custody and visitation rights to a child born through his crime as other fathers enjoy. In 2010, a paper I wrote on this topic was published by the Georgetown Law Journal, and I continue to travel throughout the country speaking on this issue.

    I believe that the way we as a society, and especially legislators, speak about rape -- often wrongly and without a sound, reasoned basis -- restricts our ability to pass laws offering meaningful protections. After all, why pass a law restricting the parental rights of men who father through rape when too many legislators argue (without any reliance on science, fact, or experience) that “legitimately raped” woman never would decide to raise a child from that crime? Why pass a law when raped women cannot get pregnant from their rapes?

    . . . .

    I strongly recommend reading the whole letter here:
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I don't think Akin's position is really all that different than RR's here; it's just reasoning behind it. Akin thinks it's ok to force rape victims to carry to term and so do R&R...or perhaps more accurately, the platform for the party that RR represents thinks it's ok. Akin just happens to believe in fake science and the GOP's official stance doesn't bother with fake science. They just think rape victims should be forced to carry to term. Period.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Ok, this guy speaks for every conservative. So I guess every democrat believes the economy is doing fine, business owners didn't "build that", and Romney will put black people in chains. Fair enough.

    I wonder if anyone can answer this question: If the recent mars mission discovers a single cell in the dirt, could we claim that we found life on another planet?

    Actually the GOP speaks for itself. And has.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Ok, this guy speaks for every conservative. So I guess every democrat believes the economy is doing fine, business owners didn't "build that", and Romney will put black people in chains. Fair enough.

    I wonder if anyone can answer this question: If the recent mars mission discovers a single cell in the dirt, could we claim that we found life on another planet?

    Actually the GOP speaks for itself. And has.

    The GOP believes rape victims can't get pregnant? That's news to me. Care to answer my question?
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    I wonder if anyone can answer this question: If the recent mars mission discovers a single cell in the dirt, could we claim that we found life on another planet?

    Life, yes. Human life, no. Human life entitled to all the protections of the Bill of Rights? Heck no.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Ok, this guy speaks for every conservative. So I guess every democrat believes the economy is doing fine, business owners didn't "build that", and Romney will put black people in chains. Fair enough.

    I wonder if anyone can answer this question: If the recent mars mission discovers a single cell in the dirt, could we claim that we found life on another planet?

    Actually the GOP speaks for itself. And has.

    The GOP believes rape victims can't get pregnant? That's news to me. Care to answer my question?

    The GOP has stated that it's fine with using the government to force rape victims to carry a baby to full term. So much for small government, I guess.

    Sure, I'll answer your question. I imagine they would call it life. It doesn't matter. The point is that you believe that a fetus is the same as fully formed human with regard to rights (RvW has specifications for term limits as I'm sure you're aware), and I don't.

    Your question is irrelevant.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I blame the Democrats. They alienated the Southern Democrats (back in the 50/60's) and they migrated to the Republicans and metastasized... Thanks a lot Democrats.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Lest anyone think that Akin is just a "rogue nutcase" in today's Republican Party:
    Sharon Barnes, a high ranking state Republican, came to the defense of her conservative colleague who she believes only "phrased it (his statement) badly."

    Barnes was quoted by The New York Times saying, "abortion is never an option." Barnes went on to biblically claim that, "If God has chosen to bless this person [the rape victim] with a life, you don’t kill it."

    Is Ms Barnes just another oddball wandering on street corners, muttering crazytalk?

    Not hardly--according to her Linked in profile, Barnes holds the following positions:

    President of The 2nd Congressional District Republican Women
    President of The Republican Women's Club of St. Louis
    Vice President, Membership Committee at National Federation Of Republican Women
    Vice President of The Missouri Federation of Republican Women
    Chairman of The St. Louis City Republican Central Committee
    State Committeewoman, 4th Senate District at Missouri Republican Party
    Committeewoman, 24th Ward at Missouri Republican Party
    Volunteer at GOP Missouri Republican Party

    The reason why GOP leaders are mad at Akin is NOT because he said. What Akin said is squarely within what is now mainstream thinking for the Republican Party.

    They are just mad because he spoke out of turn--kind of like revealing the secret fraternity handshake.

    In Missouri's defense, I believe that they are just sexually suppressed. Have you ever driven along the Highways in Northern Missouri.... I have never seen so many X's on one road.

    And as futile as it may be... I will continue to vote Republican (at least in the primaries) to get the fascists out. With an exception of a few things (like murder, theft, and protecting children) the government has no business telling me how to live my life. And I would like to hope there are more people out there that can't stand the hypocrisy of the Christian Right.

    This confuses me. Are you calling the Democrats fascist or the ultra right wing of the Republican Party and that you would remain registered as a Republican in order to vote against the extremists?
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Ok, this guy speaks for every conservative. So I guess every democrat believes the economy is doing fine, business owners didn't "build that", and Romney will put black people in chains. Fair enough.

    I wonder if anyone can answer this question: If the recent mars mission discovers a single cell in the dirt, could we claim that we found life on another planet?

    Actually the GOP speaks for itself. And has.

    The GOP believes rape victims can't get pregnant? That's news to me. Care to answer my question?

    The GOP has stated that it's fine with using the government to force rape victims to carry a baby to full term. So much for small government, I guess.

    Sure, I'll answer your question. I imagine they would call it life. It doesn't matter. The point is that you believe that a fetus is the same as fully formed human with regard to rights (RvW has specifications for term limits as I'm sure you're aware), and I don't.

    Your question is irrelevant.

    There are humans that are born not fully formed and live, are they less human that those that are fully functional?
    If an underdeveloped brain/limb takes away from the humanity of a person, then why do we protect those that are out of the womb? we shouldn't take care of these people because they are just a mass of underdeveloped cells if your right in your belief. The only difference is the physical location of the person in this instance.
    Just because a person is not fully developed, doesn't mean they are less human, yet that is what the pro-abortionist are saying.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I wonder if anyone can answer this question: If the recent mars mission discovers a single cell in the dirt, could we claim that we found life on another planet?

    Life, yes. Human life, no. Human life entitled to all the protections of the Bill of Rights? Heck no.

    So the cells that make up a fetus are not human cells?
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    "Captain! The sperm deflector shields are at 40%!"

    'Divert all power form the reverse thrusters to the sperm deflector shields!"

    "Won't that make a mess?"

    "We're already in a world of *kitten*, Joker!"