Roll Call

So, if you're a Fuel Band user, and you have an account on Nike+, give us your username there and we'll add you. My username at Nike+ is: Everlearn.


  • Hey Ijust started using my fuel band 2 weeks ago, so far so good. Looking forward to having more friends to compete with.
  • hnchrist
    hnchrist Posts: 9 Member
    Hi this is day 3 with my Nike FuelBand
    my username is hnchristi
  • jamie418
    jamie418 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all!
    Finally found some people who use Nike+ Fuel.. I thought I was the only one :) Feel free to add me:
    Nike+ Fuel: Camplove
    MFP: jamie418
  • My Nike+ username is seaside3 and I just received a fuel band for Christmas.
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    Yes found a group using Nike+!!! Feel free to add me on Nike+ Shane Rasset or MFP rassha01.
  • Hello all,

    Feel free to add my Nike Fuelband @ SinDiego
  • Add me : azizero
  • I have been using my fuel band for 45 days now. I would like people to add me too. NIke screen name TheHeatF
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Just got my FuelBand! Nike+ user name: TimEasterday
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I just got a new one, the old one couldn't handle the newest firmware. Mzgreen03 is my name
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    I can't seem to be able to add anyone.. frustrated.

    My ID for nike+ is : Majigurl

    Just got my band over the weekend. loving it.. but looking for friends to keep motivated