Day 9, Wednesday, 22 AUgust

svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
Good morning ladies!!

i have been super busy, and it became more busy... i logged everything, not really good days, and i did my exercises.. bu unfortunately, my ankles are getting swollen again so i will make a break today.

hope you will have a wonderful day!


  • haasgirl
    haasgirl Posts: 55
    Morning Everyone!

    Had another good day yesterday, ate within my calorie range, tried something new to eat and got 60 mins of exercise in. Today is going to be a rest/yoga day. My body is telling me that I need the stretch. I hope everyone else is doing well. I have 2 birthday parties this weekend. My goal would be to get through the days within my calorie range even if I have to eat some of my excercise calories. I'm going to eat before I go to both.

    Have a great day.

  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!

    I'm on a roll and hope to keep it up - temptation around the corner - but i'm ready :)
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    The scale was down a little bit again this morning. I really want to get below 235 and then never see that number again. I have some more work to do before that happens. Anyway, despite the scale showing me a pretty number I find myself in a bit of a funk today. I absolutely refused to do my workout this morning the thought of doing it brought tears to my eyes. I was so upset for a reason I don't know that I felt my option was to smoke a cigarette. I quit 21 days ago with the exception of 3 cigarettes including todays.

    I need to find a way out of this before it leads to Ice cream, Macaroni and Cheese, Brownies and the like.
  • Balance79
    Balance79 Posts: 86 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Yesterday I did well...but, I did indulge on some sweet treats at work. :(

    Try again today to stay clean! Started the day with a weight class and 1.5 mile run~!

    CW: 127.6 (2.6 away from goa)l!!!!
  • AmyJKSaunders
    AmyJKSaunders Posts: 39 Member

    I can feel your pain. I struggle with depression, which seems to sabotage every good intention and goal that I have. However, the only advice I can give is to just keep doing it, even though you feel like crying. The longer you keep working on your goals, the better and better you will feel. It doesn't mean that you won't trip over your own feet every now and then (like me binging on Monday night), but you just have to pick yourself back up and get back in the race. I also find that making sure I get my spiritual time in every day is extremely beneficial as well. It truly is mind, body and spirit, and you are worth it, my friend! Feel free to friend me if you'd like. I can use more friends, too. We weigh about the same and probably have similar goals, so we can go all the way to our goal together!

    As for me yesterday, I walked for 50 mins and did not overeat. I am so happy and propelled to do more of the same. I also weighed myself this morning, and I weighed 227.6, which is 1.4 pounds less than yesterday. Someone on this site mentioned that people who have a tendency to binge should weigh themselves everyday to see how much that binge effects your day to day weight. Well, I noticed, and I am going to keep weighing myself every day to stay on track. I know water weight and other things can effect your weight each day, but as long as I am exercising and not overeating, I will feel good about my progress.

    Have a great Day 9 everyone!

  • nikihampton
    nikihampton Posts: 62 Member
    Yesterday was a pretty good day and today is off to a great start. I am supposed to do a 2 miler as my last run before the race. Did a mid-week weigh in this morning to make sure I was on track. It showed a tiny bit up but I'm not worried about that. It also showed me I need to do about 1.5 lbs before Monday.

    Well off to a busy work day and moving prep. Have a great day everyone!
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    ick day yesterday and having the 5yo sleep over was exhausting and we had to be on the early bus which was at a time I'm usually curled up sleeping but on the positive side we are way ahead of schedule all day and I got 2 and a half hour walk in bonus

    diet not bad although there is safe carrot cake in the house i have been good at not nibbling and devouring it every time I'm in the kitchen got to fit my run in didn't do it yesterday as it was crazy

    Weekend is super busy as we also have birthday parties to go too a kid one easy to not cheat at and an adult one which will be hard but I'm going to eat before and be as good as possible and I'm taking tonic or seltzer to dilute the drink as i don't want to drink my calories and I'm hoping to only have one drink too

    hope you are all doing well and keep moving it helps
  • sexy_RN88
    sexy_RN88 Posts: 58 Member
    Woo hoo! Today has been a great day so far (it's only 3:30 out here). Got up early, did 30 Day Shred, then jumped in the shower and it was off to class. Got a lot done in class today and I feel like my food intake is good so far.

    Now just sitting down to a late lunch, going to do a bit of studying, and then the hubs and I are going to go see ParaNorman--should be fun! :)