2nd Round of Clomid

Caryn03 Posts: 62 Member
So, I went into the doc's yesterday to check and see if I developed any cycst from my last round of Prometrium and Clomid. I was good, so they gave me the go ahead for the second round. I am happy and excited that I didn't have any cycst. So now, I am on Cycle day 4 today and I started taking taking my Clomid last night (CD3). I am supposed to take it for 10 days at 100mg. Has anyone else done this before? Usually I have heard of them upping it by 50mg, but not extending the days out. When I went to go pick up my prescription they told me it was unusual and not recommended for the 2nd round to take the clomid for a longer amount of time. They ended up calling the office back to confirm that is what they want. So, that is what I am doing. CD 3-12 I will be on the Clomid and I will go in on CD 16 to see how my follicles look and if they have matured enought for me to get the trigger shot. Anyways, I am just praying it works this round, but we will see and I am staying positive.

Also, if this round does work, I have heard that having PCOS your hormones can not work with you to help keep the baby. Should I be asking if there is something I will take during the first trimester or something to keep my levels steady? Since this is my first round not sure what to expect and ask.


  • Shirvona
    Shirvona Posts: 43 Member
    I am back on Clomid. Here is how my doctor has me taking it.
    1st month: 50mg Clomid for 5 days (CD3 through CD7) then sex every other day starting on CD 10 until ovulation is detected (I use BBT charting and an ovulation kit) - - - I didn't ovulate this month
    2nd month: 100mg Clomid for 5 days - - - I did ovulate this month but no conception
    3rd month: 100mg Clomid for 5 days - - - I didn't ovulated so no conception
    4th month:150mg Clomid for 5 days (CD3 through CD7) then -(this was a pharmacist suggestion)- Robitussin three times a day for CD10 till ovulation - - - this month I did conceive but unfortunately at 10 weeks if found out that my pregnancy failed at 7 weeks.

    So now I get to start again here in September, as long as my doctor clears me.
    Hoping the best for you
  • Caryn03
    Caryn03 Posts: 62 Member
    So sorry to hear that.

    Thanks for letting me know. So my first month sounds exacly like yours, except I stated at 100mgs. And I had to go in to see if my folicles were big enough to ovulate. And then if they were they would have given me a "trigger shot" to make me ovulate. Turns out the first month they weren't big enough so we started the 2nd month. I ended up not starting a cylce during the second month, so now I am on month three. I am taking the 100mg of Clomid, but for 10 days (CD 3 through CD12). I am on CD 10 now, so next week I go in to check the folicles again. Hopefully they are big enough so I can get the trigger shot to ovulate.

    Thanks for your feed back.