Tempo Runs

ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
Hi all,

I ran my first half this year and am training to run a 10K in about a month. I've just started working on my speed, and my training plan calls for tempo runs.

Can anyone explain how these work, or the best way to do them?

My long distance pace is about 12 min/mile and I have worked my way down to close to an 11 min/mile for distances of five miles or less.

Help!!! (Please.)


  • amandask66
    amandask66 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi - the way I do it is go here http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/calculator and figure out your tempo pace. Then I do a mile or so warm up run however long of a tempo run I want and then do a mile or so cool down.
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    ^^Ditto to McMillan calculator. There are plenty of other calculators/race predictors out there, and you can take most of the pace suggestions with a grain of salt, but I've found McMillan to be sooooo eerily spot on. I learned to slow down my long runs enough to get a good workout in without risking injury, and the tempo paces have helped me with speed workouts that have vastly improved my shorter race times.

    Good luck!
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    My program tells me what tempo. You can build a personalized program on runnersworld.com by entering your finish time from a recent race, your current average weekly mileage, how "hard" you want to train, and the target date/distance of the race you are training for. It will spit out a day-by-day spreadsheet programming your "easy" runs, "tempo" runs, "speedwork," and "Long Runs."
    I'm in week 18 of mine.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Thank you for the responses! That calculator is great and very helpful.