Before 40 Bucket List

Go ahead, think of all the things you want to accomplish big or small before you turn 40. Little things that you have always wanted to do but never made the time, annnnd GO!...


  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Oh my, is this a wish list or something I'm supposed to try and accomplish? My time is mighty short for this one...

    1. Go on a mission trip. <-- This one I did accomplish.
    2. Get into seminary school.
    3. Teach kids.

    I better stop there. I've got less than a month to accomplish these things!
  • Crystle23
    Oh my, is this a wish list or something I'm supposed to try and accomplish? My time is mighty short for this one...

    1. Go on a mission trip. <-- This one I did accomplish.
    2. Get into seminary school.
    3. Teach kids.

    I better stop there. I've got less than a month to accomplish these things!

    This is something that you always wanted to do and things you should try to accomplish! Your list is really nice! After you turn 40 try the 50s bucket list or start a new thread, 45!!

    I started this because feeling good about oneself is more than just about losing weight and looking good and feeling healthy (of course it is a HUGE part) , it is also about accomplishments. I think we are all on here to change our lives and how we live them, I am sure we all have goals other than weightloss--or gain. Doing things you have always wanted to do, big or small, gives such a feeling of accomplishment. Which is important for mental health too!!

    Good luck at everything you are trying--I should say GOING-to accomplish!!