Checking In

freyaskitty Posts: 50 Member
Hey Ladies,

How is everyone doing this week? My easing into dieting has been working pretty well. Breakfast and lunch have all been moderate and full of veggies. Next week, dinner!

In Grith,
Lisa :)


  • This week is going well, so far. I've taken a couple of days off work to hang out with my oldest son before he starts back to school (7th grade, ack!) on Monday. It's been nice hanging out with him, and I've managed to catch up on some of the housework I've been neglecting.
    I've been good about tracking my food and counting calories. I've gone over a couple of times, but I'm still not eating anywhere near as much as I was before I started tracking, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it.
    I finished Day 10 of 30 Day Shred last night, and I am going to take today off. This is an "off" day for my C25K, so I figured it was a good day to give my poor ankles a break. The tendons? ligaments?... whatever is connecting my ankles to my feet... it hurts. A lot.

    Lisa, I'm so glad to hear that your transition is working! I'm excited to see what kind of tasty dinners you have in store! :smile:

    I've got a dietary challenge ahead of me this weekend. We're celebrating my dad and my sister's birthdays on Saturday, so I'll be surrounded by all kinds of tempting, tasty party foods, and it's going to be tough to resist. I won't have time to fill up before I go, since my son has a skateboarding lesson right before the party. On Sunday, we're going to go eat lunch with my husband's grandmother, so that's more tempting stuff :ohwell: I just need to remember to watch my portions. I'm also thinking about bringing a big vegetable-y side dish that I can fill up on.

    Sorry that got so wordy :blushing:

  • freyaskitty
    freyaskitty Posts: 50 Member
    I've been watching your progress with your shred and your 5k training. I'm a totally impressed! Yeah, if you're hurting, take a break and let your body heal for a day or two. It really will keep you from a true injury. Best advice: always really listen to what you're body is telling you!

    Oh yes, the temptations of parties! Just eat lighter for your breakfast and lunches on those days and enjoy some treats with your loved ones. If you want to eat something before, grab a handful of nuts and an apple. Good fiber and a boost of protein to keep your tummy satisfied. And both don't require any special handling. Just throw them in your purse and you're set.

    You're doing great!!

    In Grith,
    Lisa :)
  • Sera890
    Sera890 Posts: 36 Member
    Portions have been a big problem for me lately and I've not been able to do much exercise either. Some of it is stress, I think. But hopefully I can get back on track soon.
  • freyaskitty
    freyaskitty Posts: 50 Member
    Stress will do that to ya! When I have a stress filled time in my life, I give myself a break and don't worry about the food. I've noticed if I just let myself eat, I never gain any weight back or if I do, it's minimal.

    Just take care of yourself until you're ready to hit it hard again.
    Portions have been a big problem for me lately and I've not been able to do much exercise either. Some of it is stress, I think. But hopefully I can get back on track soon.
  • Shybea81
    Shybea81 Posts: 67 Member
    Glad to hear you ladies are doing so well. I'm still working my way back into food after being sick this weekend so my food intake has been well below what I should eat.
    FrauHausMaus, 7th grade, huh? How exciting. My nephew is starting 6th grade this year and I just can't get over how much he looks like a man now. Glad to hear you got some family time, that's always the best time. I wouldn't worry too much about Saturday. Watch your portions, taste everything, and remember that one day of food will not ruin a week of work just as long as you don't let that day of food become a week of food, your all good. Happy bday to your da and sis! Hope your ankles feel better.
    freyaskitty, glad to hear its working so well for you! Best of luck to your dinners!
  • Shybea81
    Shybea81 Posts: 67 Member
    Portions have been a big problem for me lately and I've not been able to do much exercise either. Some of it is stress, I think. But hopefully I can get back on track soon.

    That was me about a week ago. I'm sure you'll fine your way back on track in no time. Hope whatever is stressing you out goes away. I've always tried to follow my ma's rule, "if you can't change it or stop it don't stress about it" just flow with it and face the obstacles as they greet you.
  • Portions have been a big problem for me lately and I've not been able to do much exercise either. Some of it is stress, I think. But hopefully I can get back on track soon.

    Here is a really good link to help you keep your portions under control using your hands.

    Stress causes me to mood-eat, but I'm actively trying to combat that by choosing to exercise instead. Whether it's wall push ups, a few jumping jacks, some squats (anything you can do quickly at home) I find that exercising is giving me time to clear my head and it calms my nerves. Sinking into a nice deep squat and throwing a few punches can work wonders if you're pissed off :devil:

    @luvsjaymz, I wish you a speedy recovery! Being that sick is so exhausting :sick:
  • Sera890
    Sera890 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the advice, ladies! I've been doing a little better with my portions the past few days and trying to find other (and healthier!) ways to relieve stress. There's a really nice park near my house so I've been walking it in the evenings to relax. It helps! :)
  • freyaskitty
    freyaskitty Posts: 50 Member
    Glad to hear you're feeling better. Exercise is a great stress reliever. I know it can be hard to just do it but man, it really helps a lot.

    Thanks for the advice, ladies! I've been doing a little better with my portions the past few days and trying to find other (and healthier!) ways to relieve stress. There's a really nice park near my house so I've been walking it in the evenings to relax. It helps! :)