Anyone in love with their mutt as much as me?

Gezza2604 Posts: 11 Member
Hello - Hoping that I don't come across as some mad dog woman, covered in hairs and stinking of pee!

But just wondering who of you have doggies that are helping you stride out with the exercise....

What breed do you have?
What's their name
What's their worst and best habits?

We have a black labrador here (you might have guessed from the pic). And yes, I'm that mad dog woman that paid for some posh photos!
He's called Beetle (officially) but generally actually called Bug...
He has the worst burps and farts of any male species I have ever come across, but is so obedient, funny, fast, fit and always lifts our mood!

He also drags me out most mornings, although recently, I must confess the dog walker has done more than me! MFP is here to change that and help me to set the alarm to 5.30 again!


  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    What breed do you have?
    Golden Retriever

    What's their name

    What's their worst and best habits?
    She loves wallowing in muddy puddles along our walks but I don't mind as she washes off in a clean stream before heading back to the car. She has quite a skill at de-stuffing stuffed toys in a matter of minutes, we don't buy her those anymore. She's a retriever who won't retrieve, she'd much rather watch her owner go and retrieve that ball and she's frightened of bangs and loud sounds, so not much of a gundog then really either. I think she'd win all prizes for moulting and testing our hoover's fur sucking ability to the extreme.

    But that aside she has so many good traits that we don't mind her few imperfections. She's a lovely member of our family, is kind and gentle and gets on with everyone. She's my shadow and will follow me everywhere, always there keeping me company. She won't let me forget our morning walk and she'll "talk" to me until we head out to the woods, if I don't take her out then her "chatter" gets more persistent until I give in. Molly is also learning an important skill of detecting low blood sugar in my daughter who has type 1 diabetes. On a few occasions now Molly has been able to alert us that my daughter's blood sugar is going too low. Her skill is not reliable yet but she's still young (18 months) so we're hoping as she grows older and the bond between her and my daughter grows stronger she'll perfect her hypo detecting skills further.
  • Gezza2604
    Gezza2604 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow Leonnie!

    Molly's Hypo skills are just amazing! There has been some press recently, hasn't there about dogs detecting cancer? I'm in awe of such a wonderful skill!

    I didn't mention the hairs -oh the hairs!! My brother tried to warn me, who has Bug's auntie.....But she is yellow, and her hairs seem to be invisible on their carpets.....

    Even just 30 mins after the floors have been swept and mopped here, we have black tumbleweed appearing from nowhere!

    I had Beetle before I met Simon, and Simon came with Amelia his 4 year old......At first she was somewhat fearful of Bug (after all he weighs twice as much as her) But it has been lovely to watch the bond grow over the past 18 months.....She is now firmly in charge and he never leaves her side when she stays with us at weekends.......

    Ah yes! he also "protects" me from the hairdryer! don't ask me why???

  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    Lol, don't have a dog, but have a Toby - our just over 1 year old kitten who loves to play chase round the house, first you have to chase him, then you run & he chases after you! Mad, but yeah, I stop at climbing the pine tree though!
  • sarahlou1045
    We have Bella the Boxer and Vinny the Stafford

    Best habbits?? Don't think they've got any lol. They are both absolute love bugs and love nothing more than a Sunday morning snuggle in bed. The ability to make you smile when you've had the s******* day ever. They sometimes listen to what I say :laugh:

    Worst habbits?? Sit down make a brew we may be here a while! Fart my god, they soon know how to end the Sunday morning snuggles :noway: Vin insists on coming and burping in your face after he's had his dinner, hairs! 2 white dogs is enough to send you demented! They will behave perfectly until we get in company then show you up completly!

    Would I change them NEVER, they are my gorgeous annoying loyal loving fur baby's. :heart: :love:
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    Lol, don't have a dog, but have a Toby - our just over 1 year old kitten who loves to play chase round the house, first you have to chase him, then you run & he chases after you! Mad, but yeah, I stop at climbing the pine tree though!

    Forgot the best & worst habits!

    Best - curling up on my pillow when the alarm goes off in the morning & nuzling/purring in my ear!
    Worst - attacking the feet through the duvet cover - those claws still sink in!
  • Gezza2604
    Gezza2604 Posts: 11 Member
    Tee hee......

    No comments about Toby farting!.......I wonder if we should trade the bug in?

    We have a cat too, but Skye Boy (had to add the Boy bit when we adopted him.....Skye is such a girly name!) simply rules the house, is aloof and tends to only show his face when it is feeding time!

    Lol, don't have a dog, but have a Toby - our just over 1 year old kitten who loves to play chase round the house, first you have to chase him, then you run & he chases after you! Mad, but yeah, I stop at climbing the pine tree though!

    Forgot the best & worst habits!

    Best - curling up on my pillow when the alarm goes off in the morning & nuzling/purring in my ear!
    Worst - attacking the feet through the duvet cover - those claws still sink in!
  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    We have a bullie (English Bull Terrier for the uninitiated, or a "Bill Sykes dog" as some have called her!)
    She is a rescue called Rosie, although she has a lot of other names, like most pets I think. These are nosie, wooley bullie, stinky *kitten* feet (if she has stepped in something bad!) among others.
    Yes, the picture is of her, yes they come in brown as well as white, and clearly she had had a busy day keeping the sofa down, which is incidently what she likes doing best. By the way, she is NOT a slug killer - my user name was taken from the first thing I saw in my living room when I was registering - whoops...

    Best habits - cuddles, being friendly to 99% of the mad humans she meets, making me laugh
    Worst - I hesitate to say it but those stinky bottom glands have a habit of leaking..... she also attacks the hoover and broom - not sure what goes through their heads with that?

    Bullies can be a bit lazy but Rosie will always go for a walk or a run with me. Shame it's raining here or we'd be out there now, pounding the pavements together :wink:
  • ShaunMc1968
    I have 4 dogs:

    Willy - cross Lab/Springer - the dog of my life now getting old.
    Jed - a black Cocker - absolutely nuts but great fun and full of mischief - cannot be tired out.
    Paddy - a lovely natured Border Terrier.
    Teasle - a tiny little deaf rescue terrier.

    They are my constant companions on many a muddy marsh walk.

    Willy and Jed are both workers. The other two are purely pets. I love the evenings when work and walks are done - roaring fire and the pack asleep in front of it in a heap.

  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    Nothing quite so peaceful as a worn out hound in front of a fire!
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    My dog had to be put down in November as she had cancer :(

    We do still have our cat, Gizmo, though (she has the same colouring as Gizmo from the Gremlins, hence the name). She's a little tortoiseshell cat and has really lovely soft fur. She is a typical cat, though, and mainly likes to hang around on her own....although she sleeps curled up in my mum's arms in bed with her and likes to lie on my dad's lap if he's on the couch (only dad, though, no one else is good enough!).
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    I have an amazing, gorgeous Rottweiler, he is called Zakk (after Zakk Wylde from guitarist of Ozzy/Black Sabbath/Black Label Society etc) he is 5 human years old, and we rescued him from some dumb@ss who got him for a status symbol no doubt, couldnt look after him, and just kicked him around a lot... when we got him we thought he was around 5 weeks old, as he was so small and ribby (not good on a rottweiler) he was in fact 13 weeks old. I found through my contacts an ex police dog handler who trained big dogs, and he is a whizz on agility training and tracking now. a lot of people comment on how he isnt massive and bulky like many Rotties, but thats because we dont feed him rubbish and he gets loads of exercise.

    His best habits - Almost everything, i had never considered a Rottie before we got him, I did used to have a German Shepherd, but she died aged 15, 9 years ago now, i was heartbroken! he is the most amazing dog, he spends the majority of his time on his back having his belly rubbed! when its walk time, he can fetch the correct pair of boots depending who is taking him with a Fetch Boots command... his snuggles are the best! :smooched:

    Worst habbits - he HATES and i mean HATES mopeds. i dont know if its the sound they make or if the aforementioned dumb@ss had one, but he barks and chases after them! He got one last year, took it down by the rear tyre... with the poor lad riding it, and broke his arm in 3 places and a written off moped... Zakk got a tyre burn on his belly :embarassed:
  • icklekimmy
    icklekimmy Posts: 205 Member

    I also have a 'bully' of the staffy variety! His name is neville (after a character in the film chopper cause he likes to have a whinge!) and he is five years old.

    Best habits - only dog i have ever seen who can lie on his back and hold a ball between his two paws and juggle it about and chew it! He is also the biggest sook in the world and just wants cuddles. Not the vicious child eating monsters that the press like to portray!

    Worst habits - boy that dog can do some rippers! Trying to get under the bedcovers for a cuddle and standing on my head in the process!

    I offended a few folk on my fb recently by changing my cover photo to a door sign that says yes I do love my dog as much as you love your child! non-dog folk just don't get it!
  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    Neville? Love it!
    And totally agree with you about people assuming they are flesh eating maniacs - bullies are the softest dogs I know.
  • icklekimmy
    icklekimmy Posts: 205 Member
    Get some strange looks when i shout on him!!! He is bloody honking tonight, gonna have to open the windows!
  • icklekimmy
    icklekimmy Posts: 205 Member

    This is my gorgeous wee bullyman nev!
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    Ah kindred spirit!!

    What breed do you have? Dog one:Basset Hound Dog two:Collie
    What's their name? Rodney (Rodders,Guffy puppy) and Milo (Pup-pup, Miiiiiiilo)
    What's their worst and best habits? Rodney:Not coming back when you let him off the lead, farting,burping, barking,trying to jump over the boot in the car, making annoying noises! Milo = Jumping up, not being able to sit still, winding Rodney up, chewing the walls!
    Best habits: Rodney: Giving cuddles, doing fun tricks, helping my mum when she controls pests on her land, being lovely to every other dog/person he meets Milo: being lovely to every other dog/person he meets, coming back off the lead, chasing the laser pen, cuddles

    Despite the rather worrying list of bad habits I love both my dogs so much! I honestly couldn't imagine my life with out them <3
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    Lol, don't have a dog, but have a Toby - our just over 1 year old kitten who loves to play chase round the house, first you have to chase him, then you run & he chases after you! Mad, but yeah, I stop at climbing the pine tree though!

    Toby sounds cute! I also have 3 cats lol...crazy cat/dog lady!!
  • sodaisy
    sodaisy Posts: 69
    I have 2 cats but one of them thinks he is a dog, he runs to door when door belt rings and he chewed furniture, shoe, door nobs etc. He likes haning out with dogs, he actually left the house and went to our neighbour down the road to snoze with their dog :huh:

    Their name is Bailey and Layla, both Bengal.
    Worst habit - Bailey chews everything, open all kitchen cupboard everyday! Layla keeps killing birds...
    Best habit - Bailey is my alarm clock, he comes and tab me on the face 5 minutes before my alarms goes. Layla comes to me when I call no matter where she is.
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    We have a bullie (English Bull Terrier for the uninitiated, or a "Bill Sykes dog" as some have called her!)
    She is a rescue called Rosie, although she has a lot of other names, like most pets I think. These are nosie, wooley bullie, stinky *kitten* feet (if she has stepped in something bad!) among others.
    Yes, the picture is of her, yes they come in brown as well as white, and clearly she had had a busy day keeping the sofa down, which is incidently what she likes doing best. By the way, she is NOT a slug killer - my user name was taken from the first thing I saw in my living room when I was registering - whoops...

    Best habits - cuddles, being friendly to 99% of the mad humans she meets, making me laugh
    Worst - I hesitate to say it but those stinky bottom glands have a habit of leaking..... she also attacks the hoover and broom - not sure what goes through their heads with that?

    Bullies can be a bit lazy but Rosie will always go for a walk or a run with me. Shame it's raining here or we'd be out there now, pounding the pavements together :wink:

    Our bullies used to attack the hoover and brooms as well! Mental dogs aren't they. Loved mine growing up as a kid though
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member
    Our Zakk also spends most of his time on his back showing off his rather large shiny balls... they remind me of Black Puddings... :laugh: