Non medicated births



  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    I'm really wanting a non medicated birth. The hubs and I will be attending Lamaze classes and possibly hiring a doula. However, if I feel like I need something I will not beat myself up.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I'm open to whatever I need at the time.

    With my first I was all set on a non-medicated birth, but he was posterior (back birth) which was very painful, and long. I had days of contractions starting and then stopping (apparently turning baby into correct position, bodies are very clever eh?), so hadn't slept well for days before the birth. Then after 18 hours of labouring midwife said she was concerned I may become too tired to push, she wanted me to have an epidural and and have a nap before the pushing. I didn't want to have gone through all that just to have a C section so I agreed, but I couldn't sleep I had a crazy reaction to the epidural, gave me the shakes, so though I was in no pain at all, which was great, I couldn't sleep ... epidural was still there when pushing, but I could feel when to push, and pushing was 40 mins, just a slight tear deep inside me as he came out like superman and cut me with his finger nails!

    Number 2 was footling breech and couldn't be turned, tried allsorts to get her to turn, but nothing worked! She's still very stubborn now!

    Planning a VBAC this time, again my intention is to go without drugs, but I know that labour is such an individual thing, all births, like all babies are different, and the end result is the most important thing. So I'm open to whatever I need at the time.