Snack Time

what time of day do you get hit with the urge to snack and what do you do when you get the urge to snack?? for me its mid afternoon i find myself going through the pantry to see what i can eat, and in the evening after kids go to bed. i need to find low cal snacks and make myself eat more fruits and veggies for those snack attacks!


  • For me, it's about 4 o'clock. And I crave something sweet-a cookie, a brownie...I've started packing either a Kashi bar or a Pure bar in my lunch for snack time. It helps.
  • sakimunro
    sakimunro Posts: 17 Member
    I have 3 planned snack times a day. Mini meals I guess - calorie wise.

    I usually keep to veggies and a dip (hummus with peppers, cauliflower/broccoli with sour cream/dill) and then in the afternoons its the prework out snack of cheese stick with crackers.

    Then there is the dreaded desert snack - its terrible - if I'm bored - LOOK out! I become neolithic and "hunt/gather" anything that's sweet. So I've started stocking sweets (frozen sorbet bars, or fruit and nut bars) that I can down size a traditional portion to lower the calories. I don't need a huge piece of cake just a couple of bites and I'm satisfied - so now I make sure I have the mini sizes available.
  • JenniferHanus
    JenniferHanus Posts: 3 Member
    It is a sweet craving for me too, usually a chocolate chip or two takes care of it, but i really need to find some gluten free options that are low calorie, and not too expensive, not an easy mission!