I know everyone is posting this but....

tinytinatmrw Posts: 14 Member
how much weight have you gained? how active are you? do you eat healthy? how many weeks are you? what do you do for exercise? and due date?

I have gained 0 lbs.
i try to do zumba 3 times a week.
I eat relatively healthy, minus the fact that it was my birthday this week.
I like to play on the xbox kinect: zumba, kinect adventures, just dance 3. and dance dance revolution on the wii.
My due date is march 1st, 2013


  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm 14 weeks, due 2/19/13. I've gained two pounds. I do Body Pump 2-3 times a week, walk the dog when it's not too hot outside (which in Las Vegas, hasn't been often lately) and do the recumbent bike, elliptical, Turbo Jam or some other type of cardio 2-3 times per week. I was eating a grain-free moderate carb diet before I got pregnant and then the morning sickness kicked in. So now I'm trying to get back on track. I average about 2250 calories/day, which is maintenance for me (without exercise).
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I am 22 weeks and have gained about 26 or 27lbs so far. I am VERY active doing such workouts as Insanity, Turbo Fire, Running, Weight Trainng, and some other DVD workouts. I eat healthy 80% of the time and am always under my calories. I have gained more than the "normal" person on here it seems despite my best efftorts.
  • keyalus
    keyalus Posts: 40 Member
    I'm just 8 weeks. Due 4/4. I haven't gained any weight.

    I'm very active. I was very active before pregnancy too. I CrossFit 3x a week and run or do other cardio 3x a week.

    I try to make my primary meals healthy (lean proteins, veggies, some whole grains) foods that I cook myself. I allow for some flexibility on snacks and I'm good with eating random candy throughout the day. :) I stay within my overall calorie allowance for the week and don't go too crazy over how one particular day shakes out. I eat my maintenance calories + exercise calories. I consider the week a success if the MFP app tells me that I was barely under or just over my weekly net calorie goal.
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 31wks3days. So far I've gained 11lbs total BUT I was only 3 months post-partum when I found out I was PG again so I did not lose all the baby weight from before. Found out I had gestational diabetes around 25wks and changed my diet completely. My diet used to consist of fast food, sodas, fruit juice, anything and everything in excessive amounts prior to finding out I had GD. I eat much healthier now. I don't do any exercise because when I get home from work I have a very active, walking 10month old and 6yr old to take care of. I'm due Oct. 23rd. I plan on staying on the GD diet after giving birth and becoming active again. It's hard when I've been PG for 2 years straight but I miss hot yoga, running and my Jillian Michaels DVD's. LOL.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm 34 weeks, up 30lbs. Due October 1st.

    I've been active my whole pregnancy:

    First trimester - zumba, spinning, or hiking at least 4x per week
    Second trimester - walking, hiking, yoga at least 4x per week
    Third trimester - swimming, water aerobics, aqua zumba, yoga and walking 5x per week.

    I eat very healthy and eat no junk food or sugar.

    I only gained 4 pounds the first trimester - most of it came on in the second, and I'm slowing down in the third. I didn't want to gain this much, but I really have no control over what my body is doing - my diet and exercise routine is flawless according to my doctor. Oh well.

    Don't let it stress you out too much, do the best you can.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I am 23 weeks and gained 22 pounds. I am not active because I was on exercise restriction following a couple of bleeding episodes. I do not eat healthy!!! <----Very disappointed in myself and trying to work on it! My exercise restriction has also been lifted now, so I'm working on getting the motivation to get up and move! haha
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm 16w2d, and as of my last appt on Tues have only gained 1.5 lbs. My job keeps me fairly active as I do a lot of walking between bldgs and up/down stairs so I don't sit often. For two weeks we were on vacation and did a lot of walking/hiking. Other than that, I'm not as active as I'd like to be as I feel drained from work when I get home and just playing with the dogs seems sometimes to be all I can muster! But I watch what I eat as I find that's the biggest part of the battle for me, and drinking plenty of water. So far so good!
  • tinytinatmrw
    tinytinatmrw Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 31wks3days. So far I've gained 11lbs total BUT I was only 3 months post-partum when I found out I was PG again so I did not lose all the baby weight from before. Found out I had gestational diabetes around 25wks and changed my diet completely. My diet used to consist of fast food, sodas, fruit juice, anything and everything in excessive amounts prior to finding out I had GD. I eat much healthier now. I don't do any exercise because when I get home from work I have a very active, walking 10month old and 6yr old to take care of. I'm due Oct. 23rd. I plan on staying on the GD diet after giving birth and becoming active again. It's hard when I've been PG for 2 years straight but I miss hot yoga, running and my Jillian Michaels DVD's. LOL.

    I was also 3 months post partum when i found out iwas pregnant again. i still had 25 lbs to lost before i was back to my pre pregnancy body now im 3/12 months pregnant and my 6 month old is crawling and very active so it get hard to find time to workout.
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    33weeks, up 24pounds. I was up more, but after being in the hospital for 5 days in preterm labor, I somehow lost 3 pounds! I've been home on bed rest for two days now, and I do not want to weigh myself. I threw out my home scale a few weeks ago, but doctor appointment Monday to check on my progress (hopefully lack thereof) and I'm afraid of what he'll say about weight now. I was doing water aerobics 2-3 times a week, yoga once a week, walking my dog every day at least 30min and sometimes hiking and circuit training. After being active, bed rest is awful. I think everyone has a different "normal"; most important thing is healthy baby!!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    23 weeks here, and I've gained 21 lbs so far.
    I'm doing martial arts almost daily and strength training 2-3x week.
    My diet is great some days and "eh" some days. On weekends, I work 12 hour night shifts in the CCU, and that throws me off a bit.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I am 25 weeks due December 14 and I've gained almost 20 lbs..not happy with it but I haven't been eating healthy pretty much since my second trimester started. I was lightly active doing my elliptical 6 days a week but about 5 weeks ago I went to the ER for contractions and was told no exercise till I see my Dr next (which is Tuesday) so I'll go from there!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    how much weight have you gained? how active are you? do you eat healthy? how many weeks are you? what do you do for exercise? and due date?

    I have gained 0 lbs.
    i try to do zumba 3 times a week.
    I eat relatively healthy, minus the fact that it was my birthday this week.
    I like to play on the xbox kinect: zumba, kinect adventures, just dance 3. and dance dance revolution on the wii.
    My due date is march 1st, 2013

    I've gained about 32 lbs@28 weeks. I am fairly active, although been slacking the last few days. I usually do zumba, turbo jam, and just started rockin body...I need to do more strength. I don't eat healthy enough, I eat too much fast food due to my busy schedule, but I do try to work in more fruits and veggies. My EDD is 11/14, 17, and/or20, take your pic...all in a week though, and I know he's going to come when he wants to so it really doesn't matter!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    I"m 30 weeks on Wednesday. I've gained 8 pounds.My midwife wants me to add 4 pounds...but I don't' know why I'm not gaining weight...I eat like crazy!
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    I am 11 weeks and have gained 6lbs. I did not have any sickness or nausea, so I am guessing I gained more since I could actually eat and hold my food down! I started at 134 and I am 140 now (my goal is 30lb gain). I am active everyday, since I have horses, dogs and 4 acres to keep up with. I try to walk or do a prenatal DVD 2-3xs a week also. I was doing Jillian Michaels and lifting semi-heavy weights before I got pregnany, but it's not worth the risk of losing our lil raspberry! =)
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    I am 12 weeks along, have gained 2-3 lbs (depends on the day), and haven't been as active as I was before. The fatigue has hit me hard. I've been walking a lot but my exercise routine has definitely diminished a lot since I got pregnant. I have been eating healthy, lots of fruits and veggies and a lot of lean protein.

    Every week I keep saying that this is the week I'm going to go back to my "normal" routine and then something happends that messes up my schedule.

    The symptoms are getting better so hopefully I'll have more energy to get out there and exercise.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm 23 weeks and have gained 17 pounds. It's not the best, but not the worst either. I gained the first 9 of those 17 in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy (yikes!!). I actually found MFP during week 10, and I have found that religiously tracking my food really helped me slow down my gain (which I needed to do). I'd like to slow it down even more. This whole summer has been a bit difficult for me (in terms of eating as healthy as I want to) because we were traveling like every other week. I just got back yesterday from our last planned vacation until the baby is due in December, and I am hopeful that now that I am at home, I will be able to cook and eat better.