Last Night's Run Shows Improvement

AnHadley1987 Posts: 26 Member
Last night's 5 mile run was a surprise, when I first started out, I doubted if I would make the 5 miles but thanks to my stubborn personalilty I ignored doubt and kept going.
Long story short, I am 19 weeks post partum, back in May I I felt down when I realized I probably wouldn't run this year's Half at the same pace as last year let alone faster. I accepted that fate and the probabibility that I would most likely still have this extra 15 lbs on by the time I ran it. These last few weeks have really begun to surprise me though, even with the weekly 2 runs being at 5 miles it seems my pace has picked up... either because I am slowly losing the lbs or my joints and bones are getting back into shape and adapting to the weight. Last night's run was great. My splits were as:
Mile 1- 11:37
Mile 2 - 11:10
Mile 3 - 11:15
Mile 4 - 10:54
Mile 5 - 9:14
For many of you, 9:14 is nothing but I have never been able to sustain a pace close to 9 minutes for longer than .4 miles (last year I was staying around 10 minutes), Through that last mile I watched my garmin go between 9:08 and 9:18. I am excited, but I don't plan on focusing on training for speed until after the Half this October, but hopefully during winter I can start working on trying to sustain a pace faster than 10 minutes.
Go Me
