exercise advice?

Hey everyone, is there anyone out there that has any suggestions for working out at home that will boost someones metabolism?
I have been on my meds for my slow thyroid for over 6 months now and am still having a great deal of difficulty loosing weight. Some days it seems as tho no matter how long or hard I work out nothing happens..... any advice would be gratefully received.


  • oomphgirl13
    oomphgirl13 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been on thyroid hormone replacement since I was 12, so for about 9 years now. I've made several attempts at weight loss in the past few years, and most of them were sabotaged because my thyroid decided to crash even further. I have hashimoto's thyroiditis so my thyroid can't make up its mind how broken it wants to be lol. I'm starting my weight loss journey again after probably the worst crash my thyroid has ever had. It's been almost a year and I am finally feeling 100% again =D

    My first question is, what kind of thyroid replacement hormone are you on? Not everyone does well on the synthetic, so I highly recommend trying the natural armor thyroid. Also make sure you are getting plenty of iodine. I'm a sushi lover so it's not a big issue for me, and I also use only iodized sea salt. Another supplement I find that help with energy levels is selenium. I take one 200mg pill and I'm usually set for the day.

    As far as specific workouts go, I find that unless my thyroid is happy on the dose of armor I'm taking and I'm taking all of the various supplements I've found that help, nothing happens. Until you've found that sweet spot for your thyroid, nothing will probably continue to happen. I've tried vegetarian, vegan, and low gi diets all to no avail. I've tried Jillian Michaels, Tracy Anderson, and a slew of other workout programs all to no avail, because my thyroid just wasn't happy. The first thing I found that did start to work after a few times, was kundalini yoga. This has done wonders for me, and from what I've read others as well. I highly recommend trying it a few times. I am completely addicted to it now and find the time to do at least 20 minutes everyday.

    Currently, I'm pretty sure my thyroid is in that sweet spot. I've been sticking to a 1400 calorie diet, doing my kundalini yoga, and doing some sort of high intensity cardio, and I'm seeing results =) I started on Tuesday and I've already lost 1 pound. Not a huge miraculous number, but when you've been overweight because of a thyroid problem as long as I have 1 pound 4 or 5 days is a miracle!

    Sorry this was so long XD I'm chalk full all kinds of this stuff. Simple version, until your thyroid is happy you probably aren't going to see a lot of results. Loosing weight with a slow thyroid is a inside battle first and then a workout battle.

    Hopefully this was helpful =) Good luck and thanks for making this group.
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm so glad you started this Group.
    Exercise Advice? Just do whatever works for you. Don't give up. We with Thyroid problems have it the roughest-I think. I lose then I gain it back.
    I go to the Gym, have the Wii Exercise system and a whole bunch of Exercise DVD's that I use when I can't get out due to Weather.
    Alot has to do with the Meds we are on-I'm on Armour Thyroid-used to be on Synthroid. I feel better but not losing weight-UGH!!!
    I have a appt. with a Endocrinologist the 1st of Oct. My PCP isn't getting the correct readings from my Blood work so he is experimenting with my dosage. I took over and I feel fine with my dosage.
    All I can say is just don't give up. We will figure out something together-ALL OF US HERE!!!
  • hiya has anyone been diagnosed with Hashimoto disease thats to do with the thyroid?
  • oomphgirl13
    oomphgirl13 Posts: 10 Member
    I've got hashimoto's
  • plipsurt
    plipsurt Posts: 185 Member
    hiya has anyone been diagnosed with Hashimoto disease thats to do with the thyroid?

    I also have hashimoto's
  • donnaluc
    donnaluc Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to this group and this site. I have been battling thyroid disease for the last 18 years. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 1997. I had a total thyroidectomy and have been on Synthroid since. I have also been trying to lose weight during those years, It has been a constant struggle. I have tried Armor thyroid, but it didn't do anything for my weight. So, I went back on Synthroid.

    I have tried every diet on the market..none of which has yielded me more than 10 pounds of loss. I haven't been able to find the right combination to make weight loss work for me. It's so frusterating.

    I haven't heard about the supplements before...I will definitely try them. And, any other advice I can get I would welcome.

    Thanks for your words of wisdom and encouragement.
  • Well, I'm really offering nothing new, but also here to express gratitude that you started this discussion. I had thyroidectomy for cancer a little more than 3 years ago, at age 30. Before that, zero thyroid symptoms, just had a nodule. I am on 175 mcg levothyroxine with TSH properly suppressed...but I've gained 25-30 lbs. Much is a matter of mental adjustment for me, as I never worried about weight before this -- since college, I fluctuated between 120-130 lbs (I'm 5'5"). Before, I did yoga and ate all the almond croissants I wanted in life. Now, I'm trying to do cardio (and strength training), 3-4x/wk (though I know more, and longer, is better). Doing my best with diet (at which I'm not quite perfect, though I'm trying to adjust eating away from carbs and foods higher on glycemic index). Any advice anyone can share is most welcome, as I've had zero success with any of this, and it's plainly exasperating that none of my damn clothes fit anymore!
  • haileybmemaw
    haileybmemaw Posts: 2 Member
    just join.I too have hypothyroidism. so for with combination of right medicine, exercise-diet I am losing weight.slowly but still losing.
    do any of you read MARY Shamon ( THYROID.ABOUT.COM) Maybe you can find some helpful info on her site.
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    I'm still looking for a perfect exercise combo for me but the general advice seems to be:
    1) do not be scared of lifting weights
    2) do not stress your body with very high intensity exercises if you have an autoimmune disease.