Hey Group!

kurting81 Posts: 32 Member
Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm fairly new to MFP and really like this site and I think this cancer survivor group is really cool. Everybody on here battling and surviving each and every day to achieve their very best definitely pushes me to be the healthiest I can be. I was diagnosed with Stage IV oral cancer at the age of 25 nearly 5 years ago! I had no risk factors associated with the disease however like the administrator of this group I definitely believe some of the choices I made when I was younger contributed to me becoming ill. So 5 years later I have made some big lifestyle changes. The biggest by far as been becoming a vegan and really monitoring what I put into my body. While I'm not perfect with my diet I know it's much better than the junk I grew up on and feel that is one of the biggest reasons I'm doing so well today. Anyhow, just wanted to say hi and that you all are an inspiration!


  • jchocchip
    jchocchip Posts: 72 Member
    Hi there, well done on changing your lifestyle. I'm not ready to go the vegan route, but I know I eat too much sugar...