Walk to Rivendell



  • larisagdukes
    larisagdukes Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, Rivendell walking fans. I just got across the river and am headed to Crickhollow on Days 3. It is fun imagine myself on this journey as I walk on the nature trail around my office complex or up and down my street.
  • larisagdukes
    larisagdukes Posts: 8 Member
    Well, I arrived at Rivendell yesterday and then started out of the valley on my way to Lothlorien. 459.22 miles since August 29. 2012. Yey Me! I have gone back to the EowynChallenge.net site and picked up the next bit of the Fellowship's journey since I have enjoyed following in their footsteps vicariously. I hope others join me!
  • MunchkinWizard
    MunchkinWizard Posts: 12 Member
    I walk really slow but I am starting to walk faster. When I finsh day one, I am going to treat myself. :)
  • bobs_god
    bobs_god Posts: 85 Member
    Just going to bump this so I can come back to it. Looks so good onto Mordor next...
  • beccahel
    beccahel Posts: 12 Member
    I'm so going to do this when the weather improves a bit. It'll be great as I walk in the fields and woods around my house. Thanks for sharing it.