Yay! You found me!!!

I just thought this might be a good forum to share recipes, diet/workout tips and any frustrations we might be having wile taking off our baby weight!!!


  • char_char_piper
    I'm game. Feel free to add me!! :)
  • tennesseeleigh
    Me too! I've actually lost my baby weight, but I was too heavy to begin with. I'm aiming to take off another 40 lbs or so. My DS will be 10 months old next week and I need to be able to keep up with him. I am 38 and DH is 40, so we are already older parents. Don't want to be the fat parents too.
  • Jessicamontoyaness
    I'm down too. 10lbs shy of loosing all of my baby weight but like tennesseeleig I was heavy to begin with. As of today I'm 270lbs. and my goal is to get down to 170lbs by May 2013.
  • krysiacpage
    Hi ladies!
    It appears I made a mistake when creating this group, it was intended to be private...but maybe this will be better :-). Here is the story of how the original BAM's started...there was about 40 or so of us on Baby Center all due in April 2012. We are a group of like minded ladies who got kindof tired of some of the antics with the larger group so we went off and created our own private board...we have since moved to facebook and a number of us were talking about using myfitnesspal to help us loose our baby weight, we wanted to be able to give tough love and hold one another accountable. This particular group of ladies has become pretty tight knit over the past several months, and I'm not entirely sure how many of the original BAM's will be utilizing this board...theyre facebook addicts ;-) & many of them are using the myfitnesspal mobil app from their phones. Please forgive my grammar, I tend to write casually when blogging and using social media.
    So if you ladies would like to become honorary BAM's, I for one, would love to have you! I'm all about stacking the decks in my favor by making new friends for added support in the coming weight loss endeavor...we all know how tough it can be... So maybe we should start by introducing ourselves?
    I'm Krysia(duh, lol), I'm 26 years old married and just had a baby boy on the 4th of May via emergency C-section. I gained a Whopping 68lbs with this pregnancy going from 130lbs-198!!! The first 17 came off quickly, and another few shortly after with BFing but with my horrible diet the weight loss became stagnant. I then started exercising and went on that silly 7 day cabage soup diet, which put me at 8 lbs lighter...and despite having stopped exercizing after an injury I've managed to maintain that loss. I'm now about 171 (still faaaar too much on my 5ft3in frame) Which leaves me with 28lbs down and another40 to go to get to my pre pregnancy weight, 55lbs to get to my goal weight. Right now my focus is more on getting healthy as 171 puts me in the clinically obese BMI range :-O...so for now, I'll be thrilled to simply have a healthy BMI.
    This is by no stretch an easy task...im a total carb addict & I have a soda swilling tow truck driving hubby who frequently comes home with soda, chips and candy. I'm gonna need rediculous willpower to get where I need to go, but I plan on making it happen no matter what!
    Hopefully we can make this fun!