Help! How do you say "NO"

My willpower is terrible! I do well for about two weeks, then I eat one little bad thing and I completely fall off my diet and binge for days! How do you say "no" to your cravings? And I *do* think I'm consuming enough calories (1800-2000/day with breastfeeding) to avoid feeling like I'm starving. I just have to have sugar! Help!


  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    I don't think having sugar is bad and if depriving yourself of it makes you "crazy" when you do have it, then that's more detrimental to you than anything.... not only do you start thinking (or perhaps actually) eating bad, but you start mentally beating yourself up about it. For me it works to plan my day out even the night before. If I know ahead of time exactly how many calories I'm putting in my mouth I can be confident and feel good about eating all day long. I have learned that I must save enough calories for sweets every day. For me, that's at night. I have ice cream or a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich every night... some nights I have pie, cake, cookies or other goodies but mostly it's the ice cream. I have planned for that and eaten accordingly all day long so when I get to the end of the day having stayed on track it's my little reward. And it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. I must be able to have sweets in my life so learning how to eat them "safely" is a learning process.

    I think it would also help if you calculated ahead of time those "impulse treats" you may occasionally grab while out and about. The cone at McDonalds, a stop a Dairy Queen, the frosty at Wendy's... etc. If you know the calories of those things (I keep a list in the car), you can not beat yourself up as your driving past and feel that urge. Often I can stop while I'm out and just not have my evening treat.

    I think it's important to fit what you want into your life... perhaps in smaller portions than before, but don't deprive yourself. That is what will make you successful long term and make this more than just a diet, but a way of life... a life where you can have sweets and not feel deprived or guilty.