Introduce yourselfs

Hi all!! well I sent out invites to everyone who added me on here, thank you all for the support in the last few hours. I didnt expect such an amazing and heart warming response!

I created this group as a way of us getting together and talking about any problems we may face or even achievements just to give us that extra boost. Maybe even make friends with people from around the world.

Thought we would start with introducing ourselves with names, where we are from and all the usual details as well as if you feel comfortable sharing, your current weight and goal weight, or just how much you would like to loose :)

Start with me, My names Sarah, I live in Reading, UK im 5"4 and im 242.8lbs i would like to loose a total of 98lbs with gives me 145 ish give or take, i have never seen under 200lbs on the scales since i owned them. When living at home my mum banned scales because they bring you down. I can see her point but i dont know what i would do without mine now. Ive been on here for a year now and this time last year i hit around 233lbs but for some reason gave it up, i think i lost motivation and didnt really have anyone to talk to. i then regained what i had lost plus more! which in such a short space of time was actually alot, i just did the math and cant really believe how quickly i gained. For those people who use stones i was 18.7 at my heaviest, and im now in 17 stone range almost into 16 stone, i said when i hit 17.13 i never ever want to be in the 18 stone ever again, i was physically sick thinking about being that heavy, being so small and having a history of diabeties in the family i knew i needed to stop messing around and making excuses. I have tried every diet out there possible and none of them, i mean none of them worked. I felt ill with most of them because basically diets is starving yourself, and i know now that it doesnt work, for the short run sure you look in the mirror and think wow! then for any reason at all u find yourself "binge" and you put weight on much faster than loosing it. Yo yo dieting is not good for anyones health, being 150lbs or 200lbs your body will react badly!

So anyway i decided to give the counting another go, it does get a little tiring logging everything that passes your mouth every day but i like it at the end when you click complete and it tells you how much you could weigh in 5 weeks and trust me its a really good insentive! :)


  • amyLhuff
    amyLhuff Posts: 102
    Hi there,
    My name is Amy I just turned 31 I'm married to a wonderful supportive man and we just had a baby girl Abbey 6 months ago. My starting weight was 269 I'm currently 255.7 been doing this 5 weeks now and am pretty happy with my progress so far. I'd like to get down to 180 at least after I get there I'll reevaluate where I wanna be I'm 5'7 and I've never been that small in my adult life. When I was 27 I lost 70lbs after a breakup then gradually gained weight back then getting pregnant gave me a reason to eat anything I wanted until I got gestational diabetes. Anyways it's time once and for all to get this battle won. I don't want my little girl growing up so focused on her weight. I'm glad to be here!
  • ShanniLee
    My name is Shannon, I am 25 and I have battled with weight my whole life. I was always the chubby girl, even still most of my friends are smaller than me. My boyfriend is even smaller than me. They are all very supportive though and I am thankful for each and everyone of them being in my life. My weight doesn't bother any of them and they all love me just the same :) but I want to lose weight for me, and get healthy. I want to be able to go into a store and find any shirt and know that it will look good. I don't want to buy "flowy" shirts to hide my muffin top anymore. I want to wear a teeny weeny string bikini :P lol. I've started many times and "something" always comes up and I lose focus. It's time for me to stop making excuses and buckle down. I weight 259 pounds and I need to get down to 180-190 by next June for a Kickboxing fight. I've been saying I'm going to fight for 3 years and everytime I start hardcore training, I never drop the weight in time and can't do it. This is my time! 10 months to lose 70 pounds....her goes nothin! Good Luck to everyone :)

    Edited to say....feel free to add me :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Hi, my name is Eugenio and currently at 203 lbs - I started my little adventure at 224 lbs and have a goal of about 180 lbs.
    I'm active and very busy (living in 2 countries - France and Germany, avid cyclist and outdoors person, and 4 dynamic daughters that keep me busy) but travel and a hotel lifestyle took their toll.

    Time to step it up!
  • Skysthelimit25
    Hey everyone my name is Tasha I'm 25 and a mother of 3 beautiful children. I'm 5'4. 240 pounds. My goal weight is 140. I'm giving myself a year to lose the weight. O and I live in Alabama lol.
  • MJ0214
    MJ0214 Posts: 36 Member
    My name is Melisha and I've been in a battle with my weight since I was a little girl. I am 30 and married to the most amazing man I've ever met. We want so badly to have a baby, but I can't help but think my weight is hindering that from happening. I am hoping to lose about 60 pounds. I am currently 203, but have a goal weight of around 145. I look forward to getting to know all of you!!
  • moomoopharm
    Hi, I'm Amy. Yes another one! I'm 29 soon to be 30 and I live in south Wales. I've always been the fat girl in the group and have finally decided that enough is enough. I started on this site at 292 and am now on 262. Someone asked me the other day when I was last at a healthy BMI and my reply was "I think at birth". I'd like to aim for around the 182 mark but am trying to work towards each 7lbs. I'm kinda lost my determination this weekend and could do with refill of will-power. Please feel free to add me as a friend, I need all the help I can get.
  • alodell89
    alodell89 Posts: 36 Member
    My name is also Amy (there seems to be a lot of us on here!) I am living in Seattle, WA although I am originally from Chicago, IL. I have been overweight my entire life and I have decided that I don't like feeling like this anymore. I started at 262 and currently weigh 239 with an ultimate goal of 160-170. Feel free to add me, support is the best tool for weight loss!
  • Caz104
    Caz104 Posts: 62 Member

    My name is Caz and I live in Florida. I was born in and grew up in England and moved here 12 years ago so I have a good handle on the temptations on both sides of the pond!

    I'm 34 years old and single.

    Currently I am 242lbs. I started out at 245, lost 4lbs my first week and then gained 2 back!).

    I currently work out twice a week in the mornings but am ready to increase that frequency.

    I once lost close to 60lbs and then gained it all back again. The good news is that I KNOW I can do it, the bad news is that I didn't learn my lesson the first time round! :)
  • TeaMe81
    TeaMe81 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Tea and I live in NC. I am 31 years old and I currently weigh 287 (I think). I saw that number on the scale the other day and freaked. I started MFP at around 275 and then I got down to 265 and got all off track and ended up at my current number now. My goal is to drop at least a 100 pds. My doctor wants me to aim for 80. I am a diabetic and I have a thyroid disorder that is certainly not working in my favor. Then there is also me . . . I am the only individual standing in my way to reach my goal. So if any of you are willing to help me climb up this upward hill, I promise I will do the hard work. Have a great day everyone.
  • tiatiamaria
    tiatiamaria Posts: 40 Member
    Hi! I'm Tia. ( I wonder if Tea (above) and I pronouce our names the same? TEE_uh.) I'm 27, and live in Ohio.

    Like many of you, I have struggled with my weight since I was very young. I remember being 90 pounds in 1st grade when all the other little girls were around 50. In highschool, I dieted/stopped eating and went from about 235 down to 185 but I still thought I was huge. I would love to be 185 again!! Now I am sitting at 258.

    Atkins is always was has brought my weight down, but I am trying to be a little more healthy about it this time. I have a desk job so I bought a fitbit and am aiming for 10k- 15k steps every day. I am also trying to keep my calories less than 1300 or so and my carbs and sugar low too. My goal is to be around 170 in the end, but my first goal is just to get back to my wedding weight which was 225.

    I'm glad I found this group. Lets encourage each other!
  • Nawalt1
    Nawalt1 Posts: 9
    Hi all, my name is Nawal, I live in London, England. Im 25 years old and I started my weight loss at 220lbs and im currently 212lbs. I have always been a big girl, always been big, bubbly, big hearted Nawal! Like I said I have always been big, but always just under 200lbs and I hadnt weighed myself In a while, so I got the biggest shock of my life when I went to the doctors and he told me I was 220lbs! so I decided I had to do something, eating the way I was eating I would have easily put on at least another 50lbs in the next year! I want to lose 70lbs so I joined MFP for motivation, and its just so inspiring reading peoples advice and success stories! anyway good luck to you all and I hope we all succeed on our weight loss journey!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Ali or Alison, turned 33 this summer, have a 3 year old son and we hope to add a sibling sometime in the next 2 years. I work FT in the financial industry and live in Raleigh, NC. My husband and I have been married for 5.5 years, and we both grew up in this area. I am very proud of my state and country.

    My highest weight (outside of pregnancy) has been 248 lbs. I am currently at 240. I am going for a long, slow burn b/c I truly see this as a lifestyle change. The expectation to never eat bacon or chocolate again is ridiculous, so I'm focused on heavy lifting mixed with my cardio, and adding more whole clean foods to get away from the super processed stuff.

    Since high school I've been every size from 1 to 20, currently in an 18. I'm more focused on my body than a clothing size or weight. I feel like 150lbs is as small as I'd like to be (at 5'8" or 5'9") but my first major goal is to get below 200lbs. Then I'll see how my body is shaping up.

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one on this journey!
  • DeeMiss
    DeeMiss Posts: 47 Member
    Yay, I found it!

    Hi my name is DeeMiss, Iam 31, and I live in Taylor MI. I am currently 265, and I want to lose 66 pounds to start. I haven't been under 200lbs since high school at least.

    I used this site last year, and lost 20lbs, and it works. Life got in my way, but now I am back and motivated. I try very hard to inspire and motivate. I do weekly and weekend challenges that I post on my feed. And I welcome anyone who would like to add me.

    I don't visit groups or topics very often, but I will try!

    My short term goal is 5lbs in sept :)
  • DeeMiss
    DeeMiss Posts: 47 Member
    Atkins is always was has brought my weight down, but I am trying to be a little more healthy about it this time. I have a desk job so I bought a fitbit and am aiming for 10k- 15k steps every day. I am also trying to keep my calories less than 1300 or so and my carbs and sugar low too. My goal is to be around 170 in the end, but my first goal is just to get back to my wedding weight which was 225.

    I recently bought a fitbit too! It is enroute, and I am excited to try it out :)
  • HidingFromMyShadow
    HidingFromMyShadow Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    As of todays weigh-in I'm officially 50.1lbs down from where I started just under 90 days ago. I LOVE MFP and the connections I have made on here and am so grateful for the support I have received from some amazing people. I used to be an athlete (I played college basketball for a year before some personal stuff got in the way). I say that my inner athlete is crying underneath the flubber that has been smothering her. I work out with a trainer 3 days/week and ride my bike quite a bit. I'm finding that eating better is getting easier with each day and eating out isn't the feast that it was. My relationship with food has always been pretty poor and I'm working hard to change that. I'm find that blogging has become theraputic...feel free to follow me, comment, read, etc!/pages/Hiding-From-My-Shadow/398174600238028

    Down with fat! :) We can do it!
  • queenbree13
    queenbree13 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi Everyone! First off I'd like to say, I'm pretty excited about this group and can't wait to make life long friendships and changes!

    I'm Briana, I'm 19, and I live in a small town, Logansport, in Indiana. Last time I remember seeing the scale under 200 was in 3rd grade when I weighed 120lbs. I've always been the big girl in my family. I am about 5'4" and weigh 258.
    My dad was overweight throughout his adulthood and recently lost about 100lbs, and I couldn't be prouder.
    My mom actually had the Roux en y surgery 15 years ago, and lost over 100lbs as well. I am proud of her, too, of course! I have dieted my whole life, basically. I've done weight watchers, and just watching what I eat. On weight watchers this last time I started out at 280. I lost about 22lbs, and have maintained for about 3 or 4 months (can't really remember).
    I was considering have the surgery, but I realized it's me that has to change. I can't just have surgery and not expect everything to just melt off. SOOOO that's why I am here. I would feel better and more accomplished if I did it on my own!
    Overall my goal is to get under 200! and see the "1" (; P.s. Sorry this is so long! :P

    If anyone wants to add me, feel free, I love new friends (:
  • KristaWhee
    KristaWhee Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all, I am Krista, 35, Wisconsin USA. My main goal is to feel better, body and soul. By the numbers my goal is to no longer be qualified for this group. :wink: I have never seriously tried to lose weight before so I am a first timer at this. I was 212 lbs when I got pregnant and my son is turning 10 this fall, that was a motivator, to realize that I have been looking down at a "2" on the scale for a decade. Mostly I just walk for my exercise, but we have an elliptical in the house, so I am going to start using that too. I am hoping that as a gift to myself I will get a bike, I just haven't decided what goal I need to reach before I get that gift. I want to make sure that I am really committed before I invest any actual money into my fitness. I know I am supposed to do strength training but I am oblivious as to exactly WHAT I am supposed to do. I refuse to make any foods completely off limits. I just have to eat smarter if I have a junky snack. I am looking forward to being a part of this group for all the ups and downs, it will be good to have a home group.
  • msdani12
    msdani12 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Danielle, I currently weigh 205 LBS, but my starting weight was 222, though my highest was 225. I have always been overweight. For my senior gift, my mom allowed me to get Liposuction. I got down to 180 pounds and felt so amazing. Then personal things happened and my weight just crept right back on. I got engaged back in October of 2010, was supposed to get married in June but decided to move from SLC, Utah to California to follow my dreams of becoming a TCRG, which is a certified Irish Step Dancing teacher (enables me to teach at the competitive level). And honestly, this move has been the best decision of my life. I have started to learn better choices - I am choosing healthier foods. I don't eat out hardly ever. AND I'm getting to know myself! ANYWAY, I am so happy to be a part of this group. And I look forward to our journey - through the ups and downs of the scales (: Feel free to friend me (:

    <3 Dani

    SW: 222
    CW: 205
    GW (for Xmas): 185
    UGW: 150
  • ceeegeee
    ceeegeee Posts: 18
    I'm Cigi and I have been over 200 lbs for at least 26 years. I am now 49. Last fall I weighed around 290lbs. I went on the 17 day diet with co-workers and lost 25 lbs. Then as soon as I went off the diet I gained the weight back plus more which seemed to become a habit for many years. Fad diet, lose and then gain back plus more. In February I weighed myself and and the scale said 302! That did it. My clothes didn't fit anymore, I couldn't walk up the stairs without being out of breath and I was getting too embarrassed to go anywhere. I am a mother of 4 and I have a grandson. I want to be able to run around and take care of my grandson. There are so many things I want to do and so many places I want to go. I want to wear nice clothes and to be able to shop in any store. I have lost 62lbs in six months. I am eating healthy and excercising. I love the energy that I now have and I can't wait to get under 200 lbs. My goal is to do that by January 1. My parents are in their 80's and my father-in-law is 92. What they have in common is that they all eat healthy and have for many years. They walk and stretch. They are inspirational!
  • theinsanityofme
    theinsanityofme Posts: 44 Member

    My name is Sally, I started here two weeks ago at 285. Now at 280.
    Bought myself a fitbit to help get me moving more.
    Still early stages. Any advice people can give me on how to lose my weight would be appreciated.
    Feel free to add me!
