Day one liquids. 2 weeks till surgery!

MrsNewtoyou Posts: 49 Member
Just wanted to post here since I'm keeping things pretty hush hush in "real" life! It's so real now though, starting liquids etc. GAH! I'm scared people! SO Scared ! and yet almost equally excited!


  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    You can do it!!!!!!!!! I played mind games with myself. I imagined I was a vampire and oh so thirsty. lol Maybe I read too many vampire books. lol
  • SCSleeve2012
    SCSleeve2012 Posts: 76 Member
    I had my VSG on April 18, 2012 and have never looked back. Good Luck and you can add me if you like.
  • mrsdean1973
    Good Luck. The liquid diet can be hard, but it will be totally worth it in the end. Good luck to you!