FITNLUVINIT Posts: 119 Member
Well it has been 5 months and my husband and I have lost over 100lbs. We still have a ways to go, but hopefully by March of 2013 we will meet our goal weight. I will be doing my very first 10K in September and am challenging myself to doing things out of my comfort zone and I am looking forward to the challenge. Maybe I can inspire some others to do the same seeing I am almost 50 years old, you are never to old to start a new thing. how about you??????


  • projectxreborn
    Congratulations! That is inspiring! I am trying to do the same (trying to do things out of my comfort zone...went to the beach today
    with my son but could not force myself to wear an actual bathing suit alone...wore tshirt and shorts as well, lol) but looks like
    you are doing much better than I am! You've given me new hope though. :) I am 38 next month and if you are almost fifty
    you have taken away another excuse of mine. :P Way to go!
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    Thank you for the inspiration! Were you my August weight loss challenge partner?
    FITNLUVINIT Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks fastforlife!!! I am not really for sure on the weight loss challenge partner you will have to refresh my memory sorry. You know they say once you get old the memory is the first to go, Heeheee!!!! I just can't recall.
    FITNLUVINIT Posts: 119 Member
    @Projectxrebor---- I sure know the feeling about putting on a bathing suit heehee!! but you have lost an amazing 59lbs. which is AWESOME!!!!!! way to go. You are still young and I encourage you to continue to step out of your comfort zone, I think it keeps you feeling young the more I do new things in my life that are a challenge. Things can become boring if we continue to do the same things over and over so why not spice it up some. Hope you have a blessed week!!!!