Morning sickness and trying to eat

kapzilla Posts: 84 Member
This is the first time that I've really experienced morning sickness during pregnancy. I got really lucky during my first two pregnancies with my boys, so this is so new to me.

I'm finding it so hard to eat these days. Sometimes I can eat, and eat, and eat with no problems. But then I have days like today, where even thinking about eating is making me so nauseous.

My first appointment (well, mainly for lab work) is today. I think I'm gonna have to ask for something for the nausea. I can't not eat!


  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    A friend of mine is also pregnant right now and she found that when she got really nauseaus, that eating a little protein made it go away. Not sure if it would work the same for you, but just thought I'd share. Other folks mentioned ginger ale, ginger candy, ginger anything to help (I think it tastes nasty, and thankfully didn't need it). But yeah, they've got anti-nausea meds they can prescribe; it's what my SIL had to do to function through her first tri because nothing else worked. Good luck!
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Try making smoothies in the morning, stick them in an insulated cup (stainless steel tumblers from Starbucks work AWESOME), and sip on them all morning until you feel like eating food. I throw frozen strawberries, blueberries, half a frozen peach, frozen bananas, pitted cherries, etc... whatever sounds good... with a cup of milk, and either some yogurt or a packet of carnation instant breakfast. You can also use a frozen banana, milk, peanut butter, and chocolate instant breakfast if you like the peanut butter/chocolate combo :devil: Sometimes that's the only thing I can handle in the morning.
  • mdelynn01
    mdelynn01 Posts: 176 Member
    If all else fails Zofran dissolving pills work great for me. If i don't take them I can not function at all. I would never wish morning sickness on anyone lol. Nothing worked for me besides those. But hopefully yours isn't that bad:)