
hi all! I'm new here and am trying to connect with people to help stay motivated. I just had my second child last month and and I'm ready to try and lose my baby weight. my son and I walked our first mile today after dropping my oldest off at school and I'm feeling reaaly good about this :)


  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    Hey I'm new too! I'm a little behind you since my baby boy is only 6 days old but I'm still excited to get on track to lose weight and be healthy. That's great that you walked a mile with your baby. I wish it was cool enough here to do that. It wouldn't be safe to take a walk around here. (In Texas). What are your goals? You can do this! Let's motivate each other.
  • snshnangel04
    wow you're amazing! when my son was 6 days all I wanted to do was crawl in a cave and sleep lol. that sucks that its too votar.i. Texas to walk outside because I find that my son is so interested in looking around that I have more time to walk before he gets too fussy. maybe you could try walking in the mall or something where its cooler? I've got 50 lbs i want to lose, but I've decided that Im trying to just lose 10 by the end of September.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Congrats on your babies! Mine are 3 and 15 months now, so no longer little babies any more!

    I was out and about when my son (my 1st) was 6 days old, but I live in England, so there's no danger of it being too hot here lol. I live by the sea, so we have some lovely walks along the promenade.

    I do loads of walking with my kids, it's great for losing weight. I also go to the gym a lot, and have personal training sessions. I've lost about 42lbs since last year (i put on loads when I was pregnant with my daughter) and I'd still like to lose another 15-20lbs.
  • ErinReneeL
    You guys are making me want more babies!! Mine are 23 months and 5 months right now, soon to be 2 years and 6 months. It's going so fast! I still have 20 pounds to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight (well, pre-pregnancy for baby#1) I've been strugglingw ith eating enough for milk but still losing weight. It's a major battle for me. My body wants to stay where it is for sure!
  • yogamama30
    yogamama30 Posts: 29 Member
    Good job on the 1 mile walk!
  • yogamama30
    yogamama30 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey I'm new too! I'm a little behind you since my baby boy is only 6 days old but I'm still excited to get on track to lose weight and be healthy. That's great that you walked a mile with your baby. I wish it was cool enough here to do that. It wouldn't be safe to take a walk around here. (In Texas). What are your goals? You can do this! Let's motivate each other.

    I'd say you don't have to worry about being behind with a 6 day old! Congratulations!
  • yogamama30
    yogamama30 Posts: 29 Member
    You guys are making me want more babies!! Mine are 23 months and 5 months right now, soon to be 2 years and 6 months. It's going so fast! I still have 20 pounds to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight (well, pre-pregnancy for baby#1) I've been strugglingw ith eating enough for milk but still losing weight. It's a major battle for me. My body wants to stay where it is for sure!

    I know how you feel about wanting more babies! My oldest is 6, middle is 3, and youngest is 2. I'm totally ready for another if I could only get my husband to want more babies! lol I had a hard time with nursing just made me sooooo hungry!! I actually lost weight when I was pregnant, then gained it all back when I was nursing! Opposite of what is the norm I know...oh well, I'm working on it now!
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    I've been using MFP for a few months now. I'm a nursing mom and found that eating the right combinations of healthy fats and proteins while reducing carbs (not eliminating) helps me stay full longer and still have good supply. I've been losing slowly, but steadily. I've been tweaking my Cal intake somewhat, so we'll see where that takes me. Send me friend requests if you like.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'd also like another baby! My son starts school next Sept, so perhaps after that!

    I had problems nursing too. I had to take domperidone (for all the good it did!) as I didn't produce enough milk, and that made me put on weight. I had to mix feed as my daughter fed 24/7 and my son was 22 months old when she was born, so I couldn't sit glued to the sofa indefinitely.
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I'd say you don't have to worry about being behind with a 6 day old! Congratulations!

    I know I'm not worried about being behind I just want to get started! I'd rather start on the right path now rather than get lazy and unmotivated. After gaining the preggo weight I'm just ready to lose that and then some. The one thing I can't seem to get he hang of is eating more throughout the day while at home. Any suggestions? I usually end up eating around 1500 calories which is on the low side for breast feeding. I know my body will just hold onto the weight if I don't eat more. How many calories do you ladies eat?
  • sabgoe
    sabgoe Posts: 65 Member
    My midwife said not to eat under 1800 calories a day while nursing. I have been eating 1800-2000 healthy calories a day since my son was born 6.5 months ago. I nurse exclusively, no pumping, no formula. I have lost over 60 pounds since February!
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    Wow That's awesome! What's your workout program?
  • sabgoe
    sabgoe Posts: 65 Member
    Well, I walk a lot with my boys, I do baby wearing and I am very active in general (going to the park with boys, to the pool, etc.) Two weeks ago, I also started the C25K.
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    That's great that you've had such great success without killing yourself with workouts! I did C25K and was on week 6 or so when I found out I was pregnant and I loved it. It really worked for me and I plan on starting that back up soon after my 6 week check up. Man.. Oct. 3rd (my check up) cannot come soon enough! I also can't wait for fall and to be able to enjoy the park in cooler weather.
  • misslouisiana
    misslouisiana Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I'm new to this group too. Feel free to add me.