New To Group

Hi, I'm Jennifer. I am new to the group and to myfitnespal in general. I had my surgery on March 13th 2012 and have lost 61 pounds to date. I haven't been exercising and have making some poor food choices so I am here to jump start my loss again and get back on track and to gain some support for those goals.

Looking forward to talking with you all soon.


  • JillyInAZ
    JillyInAZ Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Jennifer, I had my sleeve on March 15th. I'm also not exercising and am struggling to get to it. I've also noticed myself straying further and further from consistant good choices. I just need to recommit my head, I've got a long way to go. I'm all up for jump starting back to plan. :)
  • actg95
    actg95 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi to you both! I am Melanie - had my sleeve March 5th of this year. I can not exercise much do to needing a hip replacement, for which I need to lose 60 more pounds. We can encourage each other to do our best -- Hang in there! As a Team, we can all do this!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Hi! I had Sleeve surgery June 11, 2012 and have lost 35 pounds since then. I lost 47 pre op. I had some issues right after surgery where I wasn't getting in only 100-200 cals a day and not enough protein so it slowed my weight loss down. Then I was able to get 500 cals in and 70 grams of protein and was loosing about 1.5 pounds every other day. Now it has slowed down again. I had/having lots of shoulder pain issues since surgery and haven't been able to join a gym yet but have been walking 1 mile in 15 minutes Mon-Fri. I joined MFP in mid Jan and love it. It helped me loose the 47 pounds pre op and I realized back then I wasn't getting enough protein so I concentrated on increasing pre op since it is so important post op.
  • SCSleeve2012
    SCSleeve2012 Posts: 76 Member
    I had the sleeve done on 4/18/12 and have never looked back. I love all the support that I get from my "MFP" peeps. It has made things alot easier talking to others who are going through the same stuff. I have lost 53 lbs so far and have 24 lbs. to go. My goal is to have it off by Christmas of this year!! I keep a pretty detailed diary and don't mind people seeing it. It helps me stay in check. I would enjoy supporting you through this jounery that we are on together.
  • mrsdean1973
    Hi everyone. Thanks for the great welcome. I look forward to getting to know you all!!