new to group

Sooo hear you on the setting an example for my girl (17 mo)... especially in the head and how I treat and talk to myself.

I just re-started tracking my intake, this time w/ eyes wide open as I take a 12 week course about nutrition and weight loss. I am 5' 4" weighed in at 234.6 today down near 4.5 lbs from last week when the class started, but then again I was sick w/ cold this week. I too have just under 100 lbs to lose- cannot yet wrap my head around that. It's funny but back in highschool when I was anorexic I always thought I was sooo fat and now that I should be saying I'm fat I don't feel half as fat as I did then and am surprised every time I truely look in the mirror and see how large I've gotten post baby # 2 (age6) & 3 (age 17 months). Cannot believe how quickly I meet/ exceed how much I'm supposed to be taking in... and don't even want to think about how much I used to without caring or thinking. I too have "eaten my emotions" and stress for too many years. I am taking it baby bites at a time... first w/ the tracking, then on to changing WHAT I'm eating to healthier; already eat wide variety w/ all our food allergies but when I get stressed or rushed I grab the wrong foods- this is improving since I've made a concentrated effort on prepping fruits & veggies, etc and WAY smaller sample grab bags of various snacks and wraps to eat healthy on the go... I do this more than cook now on the weekends and cook more simpler stuff t/o the week now. For me this is not just about the food but what underlies the behaviors and I want to be around for my family. I know in my head that I should be working out but cannot find the time with work and raising a family while my husband is in school and working- and he even helps way more than many hubbys do. I am totally lacking the motivation or even desire to discuss working out... I'm sure it will come. I used to use the excuse that I was afraid I would cross over the line and become anorexic again w/ over working out all day... but that is SO not reality now. Soooo much work to do in so many areas to get past this hurdle called "morbid obesity" and into health again! It's time for me to no longer come last!!!