Whats everyones goals?



  • sareyezz23
    Hello ! That is a good goal really practical to ! :happy: .... I weigh 226 and I am 5'3 my ultimate goal is to loose 75-80 pounds however I did not pick a overall date. I did set mini goals for myself and it is by 8 pounds each time I loose 8 pounds I get to treat myself to something like getting my hair done, movie night out, new crochet needles .. stuff like that I actually have a list on my Ice box lol ... but I know I will eventually get there. I personally try not to set a date because for the past 2 years I have struggled and failed mainly because that date would come around and nothing would be lost so I would give up. This is the first time I am taking it seriously I do weigh in every 2 weeks and write it down. I just want to be happy and healthy ... no chubby and having troubles breathing when I run with my dog !

    thats a really good idea with the whole treating yourself everytime u reach your goal, i will deffiantly have to think about doing that myself, give me something to look forward too, and i tend to do 7lbs at a time means ive reached a goal as its half a stone and means every 2 halfs is a new stone :) im so close to hitting a new stone bracket its almost in my reach! :) but good goals :)
  • sareyezz23
    hi! good goals. Don't say "if"!! Say you WILL because you CAN!

    I'm at 256 right now. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by the end of September then another 10 by November 10th (best friends wedding.) I'd like to lose 32 by the end of the year which would put me at 224 (what I was last year at my wedding.)

    My first BIG goal is to be 190 by swimsuit season next year (June 1st)

    Then my ultimate goal is 170. I know that may seem high, but I am 5'6'' or maybe 5'7'' and would like to keep my curves and leg muscle if I can.

    sorry! I WILL be 42lbs less by april next year :) i shouldnt put a time line on it but i will for this as i feel thats achievable and meaning i will be in Onederland :)
  • sareyezz23
    Hey :)

    I have a few goals. Firstly i want to get down to a size 16 initally. When i fit into something in topshop is when i'll know i've finally achieved something, and be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud. Secondly i want to be below 200lbs because i haven't been since i was 16. I'm trying to be realistic in my goals this time because i've been on so many diets telling people i'm going to be a size ten in X amount of months...then ended up even bigger. Thirdly i want to be able to do a push up, a real push up because that would be pretty badass.

    Short term goal...2 and a half stone by Christmas.

    the push ups is an amazing goal i tried one the other day and almost died! i was doing this ufc thing on the kinect and it asked me to do as many push ups as i could in 60 seconds, i did 3 very bad ones 3!!! i was so ashamed! so the weights will be coming out i think. Also with the clothes, I can't remember the last time i walked into a shop and looked at size 16 clothes, i think i went from a 14 straight up to 18 coz i cant remember buying 16s :( id like to get into 14's again, i know its going to take me a while to get there but ive been that size before so i know my body can do it!
  • sareyezz23
    I want to lose about 60 lbs to get under 200! That's my first big goal! (:

    thats a good goal to set :)

    try mini ones first that way the big one wont scare u as much as u reach the small goals like by end of september lose 10lbs then when u smash it you will think wow its been a month and now ive only got 50lbs to go! :) x
  • sareyezz23
    I'm trying to not be too focused on weight, and more focused on how I feel. While I'd like to see myself at 190lbs eventually, my goals now are size goals. I was in a size 20 or 22, and now I'm on the verge of being very comfy in a size 18.
    My goal is to buy size 14 clothes.
    I'm 5'9".


    thats a good way to look at it, sometimes the scales are mean and tell you u have gained when u didnt feel that, also with all the muscle building from exercise the scales cant tell you u look great in the mirror! try taking pictures of yourself every 2 months so u can see ur body transform even if u cant see it, the camera doesnt lie :) x
  • sareyezz23
    Currently 280.

    Would like to get down to 180, and then we can take it from there.


    good goal dont forget to set small goals to help u reach that big goal everytime u meet the small goals u will be one step closer to the big one :)
  • sareyezz23
    sorry for the spamming and if i didnt reply to everyone, all your goals are very achievable! look at me as im some sort of professional! im not but i dont see goals that look unlikely to happen as everyone is being realistic also no one is setting time scales which i think is a good thing, theres a few that want x amount by next year but no real have to be this its more you would like to be.

    Remember its not a race as you all want to lose the weight but if its too quick it will come back on much faster later on! also your not putting pressure on yourselves i know we all want to be our goals just time will really be good to us. My friend weighed 280lbs when i met him 6 years ago and now hes at his healthy weight of 182, now im not saying it will take that long for u guys coz it wont as he wasnt dieting for the first 3 years i knew him and then when he was he didnt stick to it as strict so it shows with hard work it will fall off us in no time! i really hope people haven't read this and thought 6 years! for 100lbs! but thats not it, i was simply proving it will take a lot less for us who will be good and exercise, he didnt exercise until i joined the gym with him about a year ago and hes only lost his last 28lbs that way. So exercise is key :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    My first goal was 200lbs - reached that a few days ago (198 lbs now).

    My ultimate goal is health and fitness but weight wise I'd say around170-180 lbs.We shall see - depends on activity and muscle mass.
  • anamy90
    anamy90 Posts: 43
    Hey :)

    I have a few goals. Firstly i want to get down to a size 16 initally. When i fit into something in topshop is when i'll know i've finally achieved something, and be able to look at myself in the mirror and be proud. Secondly i want to be below 200lbs because i haven't been since i was 16. I'm trying to be realistic in my goals this time because i've been on so many diets telling people i'm going to be a size ten in X amount of months...then ended up even bigger. Thirdly i want to be able to do a push up, a real push up because that would be pretty badass.

    Short term goal...2 and a half stone by Christmas.

    the push ups is an amazing goal i tried one the other day and almost died! i was doing this ufc thing on the kinect and it asked me to do as many push ups as i could in 60 seconds, i did 3 very bad ones 3!!! i was so ashamed! so the weights will be coming out i think. Also with the clothes, I can't remember the last time i walked into a shop and looked at size 16 clothes, i think i went from a 14 straight up to 18 coz i cant remember buying 16s :( id like to get into 14's again, i know its going to take me a while to get there but ive been that size before so i know my body can do it!

    Can definitely do it. Just got to stick with it. Hopefully mfp will help. I know haha. I went upto a 16 and then some when i went college and contiuned to wear 16 even though i had to lie on my bed with a coat hanger to fasten them, and i used to have dinges in my legs and tummy when i took them off. Denial right there that i was a 16. Good luck everyone hope you achieve your goals :)
  • vanessaleigh818
    So ultimately I need to lose 106 lbs to get down to 170 lbs. My immediate goal is to lose 25 by the end of the year. That seems hyper realistic on the path that I am on averaging 5lbs a month. I will have a better idea of how many inches that equates as I go. I have decided to focus on inches vs. lbs. I am also very interested in having changed my body shape and have a far more obvious waistline by year's end!
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    My goal is to get rid of the overlying layer of cellulite on the little bit of lean muscle mass I know is hiding under there somewhere, lol! It's not entirely a numbers goal for me becuase I've been at my goal weight prior to my medications disaster and I still wasn't toned or lean in all the places I wanted to be. I got a suit today for interviewing purposes (currently unemployed and seeking gainful employment) and I was saddened by the number on the suit size tag. I did get into a 14 but sadly, the 16 was just a little bit better fit. I could see the dimples in my backside and that is something I'm working on GETTING RID OF. Not just gonna LOOSE it, gonna GET RID OF IT so it can never find me again.

    Oh, and I need to improve my health drastically. I can hardly walk up the 15 stairs in my house more than once without being winded and reaching for my rescue inhaler. Sigh...Great goals ladies! We CAN do it!!
  • lollypop_ginger
    lollypop_ginger Posts: 69 Member
    My ultimate goal is to get between 140 and 150 pounds, I'm 5ft 7.5. My first goal was to lose 50 pounds, which I have almost done but I haven't lost anything for about 6 weeks now :cry:. My second goal is to lose another 30 pounds and be at 200 by Christmas/New Year- starting to think I'm gonna struggle with this if I don't start losing again soon!
  • HannahsBestLife
    HannahsBestLife Posts: 209 Member
    I have lost 5lbs so far and am currently 231lbs, I would love to get down to about 140.. Prob take me AGES but oh well lol.. I'm terrified of saggy lose skin so am perfectly happy with losing slowly!! haha I am going to buy some skin firming lotion etc to use as I lose to keep sagginess to a minimum.. My first goal is to get to 222lbs, I'm from NZ so we weigh ourselves in kg and 222 is 100kg.. LOVE to be under again :O 100kg seems so huge lmao.
    After that my goals are to get under 200lbs by Christmas,(16 weeks away) may seem pushing it but I always lose fast to begin with so is perfectly achievable... As long as I work my butt off haha..
    29 weeks till my birthday.. 30th march.. That will be when I set my next goal for but not sure what the goal will be.. will see how i'm going at christmas and set it then :D