Tasty Thursday...smack smack 8/30

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Okay, I know I have mentioned before but make food less boring and put more excitement into your dishes with herbs! NO NOT 'Herb' ...LOL....but the different herbs that make food delicious!

How about: Basil, sage, fennel frons, cilantro, parsley (curly or flat leaf), lemon grass, marjoram, mint, oregano, savory, tyme, tarragon and chives to name a few!
Using fresh herbs you also include the many phytochemicals, vitamins & minerals that aid the body and with little to no calories!!! For example, thyme is high in Vitamin K. Who knew! Now if that is not a win win or what!

Use the fresh herbs closer to the end of your cooking except say for the hard core herbs like rosemary and tyme...however most are delicate and flavors will be destroyed if put in too early in the cooking.
Add to salads too to give freshness and added flavor!

So your challenge is today put some herbs in your foods! Whether they are fresh herbs or dried (don't keep them forever either) use them to increase nutritional content and more importantly add the DELICIOUSNESS to the foods we eat!
Experiment and have FUN!!!

PS.I had fresh basil in my pasta last night....OMG! YUMMO!



  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    Here in the UK it's 5pm and I've had all my meals (I have a driving lesson soon so had to have tea earlier), I had a stir fry, yum :) SO I didn't do today's challenge as just seen it. But I always cook with herbs anyway, I have loads in but my favs are thyme in my HM chicken soup (make most Monday's with LO chicken carcass) and dill in my HM fish pies, also use herbs in pasta dishes. I'll be making tomato soup on Saturday so out comes the basil!

    Good Luck Everyone Today!!!!
  • janlee_001
    janlee_001 Posts: 309 Member
    My husband is big on herbs - so I think I got this challenge covered. :smile:
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    Plan to use fresh dill on my poached salmon tonite!
    I'm a new member here today - thanks for the challenges - I look forward to trying them all out!