
Baila518 Posts: 63 Member
How is everyones water drinking going. Are u finding it easier to drink water since the challenge? What helps u to get the water down? For me knowing i have to drink 32 oz by 2. From 2 to bed time i know i have to drink the other 32. I carry a bottle or tumbler with me wheever I go since the challenge.


  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    i keep a jug of water with some chopped up lemon in it in the fridge tastes sooo nice and refreshing makes me want more each time :D i know if i was just drinking regular tap water id of failed already. Not keen on the keep needing a wee though!! lol
  • karagetsfit
    I've never had a problem drinking 8 ounces. I usually average 12.
  • Baila518
    Baila518 Posts: 63 Member
    i keep a jug of water with some chopped up lemon in it in the fridge tastes sooo nice and refreshing makes me want more each time :D i know if i was just drinking regular tap water id of failed already. Not keen on the keep needing a wee though!! lol

    I know, its annoying right lol... but hey its how we flush that fatttt... :)))
  • Baila518
    Baila518 Posts: 63 Member
    i keep a jug of water with some chopped up lemon in it in the fridge tastes sooo nice and refreshing makes me want more each time :D i know if i was just drinking regular tap water id of failed already. Not keen on the keep needing a wee though!! lol

    thats faboulous, i wanna get there too!!
  • gwendb
    gwendb Posts: 19 Member

    I don't know why but I always drink more when I drink through a straw. More fun maybe? I don't know but it works :)
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Ive always loved ice cold wter, it helps since we have an ice maker now. I have a reusable bottle from Walmart, has a little spout to drink out of and i can close it in case a ferret knocks it over.

    but i refill the ice and water and keep it next to me all day. I notice if i drink more, i want more, but if i stop drinking it, then it takes a few days to get started again. So i try to keep myself hydrated every day.
  • jamacattack
    jamacattack Posts: 94 Member
    I did great the first day.... yesterday, I missed it by two cups. I do think the challenge makes me more aware of it, for sure and it is an accomplishment to add that "1" to the spreadsheet! :)
  • elizabethoneill
    elizabethoneill Posts: 15 Member
    definitely drinking more water as making a real effort. the challenge has definitely help bring this to the front of my mind
  • sbduvall
    sbduvall Posts: 42 Member
    I think the challenge is making more more aware. I don't really have a problem with the taste of water or anything but if I want to get it all in I can't wait till 2 in the afternoon to start drinking so I have started earlier. I do better with water in a bottle because I can tote it around with me all day and I just keep refilling it. It is 20 ounce so I try to get in about 4 of them.
  • Blissfulspace
    Blissfulspace Posts: 16 Member
    I always thought that I drunk a lot of water everyday, I normally have a 500ml glass of water beside me throughout the day, but knowing that I have to drink 4 of these glasses everyday has made me more aware and know that I was not drinking anywhere near that before. It is making me feel much better, and I also cannot stop going for a wee - but on the plus side it makes me keep going up the stairs to the loo...lol
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I carry a bottle around with me, I seem to drink more with it just sitting there.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I keep a 26 oz metal water bottle (keeps it cold) with me and sometimes I'll add lemon to it. I figure 3 of those is a little over 9 cups and it's easier for me to think "I have to drink three of these" rather than "I have to drink 8 cups."

    Also, for those who only like bottled water (I'm one of those people too), it might be worth it to look into water services. We get Sparkletts at our house and considering how much of it we drink, it's actually cheaper then buying cases of bottles all the time. I drink more of it too because I'm not concerned with running out. It also came with a cold/room temp dispenser and as someone who only likes cold water, it's nice to not have to worry about keeping enough bottles in the fridge or having ice available all the time.
  • praskovka
    I don't have problem with water too.I keep a 1,5 bottle of water on my desk at home.When I'm out I'm always taking with me a 500ml bottle.Now,I'm even drinking more than 8 glasses.
  • justaskforbrandy
    justaskforbrandy Posts: 90 Member
    i always drink a ton of water, so this challenge is pretty easy for me hahaha. i just keep a plastic tumbler cup with me at all times. it has a matching plastic straw that sticks out the lid, i love it. it's 24oz and i fill it up whenever it's empty... i fill it up about 4-5 times (sometimes more) a day! i think it helps me to drink the water out of a straw!
  • sfrohardt5
    sfrohardt5 Posts: 18 Member
    I am finding that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is challenging, but the idea of having to enter a "zero" into the challenge spreadsheet is so appalling that I am ensuring I get all of my water in each day. Monday, I barely made it through the 8, yesterday, I drank 9 and today, I am unsure how many I will get but know I will not allow myself to go to bed until I have finished all 8. I refuse to enter a zero on the worksheet -- I will meet the challenge!
  • almcneal
    almcneal Posts: 200 Member
    I use 16 oz cups so I don't have to refill it so many times. A mind game, I guess, but it works for me. I also agree that it's easier when I am drinking with a straw, and I don't have a real good reason for that either. I do start drinking first thing in the morning and try to finish them as early as possible so I am sure to get my 8 glasses in, then I will treat myself to something with some flavor. Lol
  • Charlottina
    Charlottina Posts: 87 Member
    Glad the challenge seems to be working for you :)

    I have succeeded everyday so far I'm so proud as I really struggle so I hope I can continue as I don't want to have a zero next to my name :D
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    The last month or so I was finding my water intake was slipping. So this challenge is great for me and a helpful reminder to get to drinking. I love cold water. So I have a brita in the fridge and I found a great water bottle that will keep my water near as cold.


    It will keep things cold for 24 hrs and things hot for 12. Never tried it for hot stuff but it definitely works for cold. Hubby had it in his truck over night in the hot days of summer (90+) with a few ice cubes and said the next afternoon he went to take a drink and it was still great.
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    I usually fall under reaching 8 glasses of water a day. The challenge is helping me to remember to push for more....and so far so good
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    Like most everyone here, I have a bottle with me at all times; at work I have a bottle that has a filter attached so it purifies it as I drink it. I love to mix it up with lemons, limes or cucumbers.
