Newest member of the group!

Hello all! I wanted to introduce myself! I'm excited to be apart of this group hopefully I can find the motivation I need to get rid of this baby weight.

I have a 15 month old and a 2 month old. It's REALLY tough to lose the baby weight of your first kid when you get pregnant 3 months later. Sadly I've gained with both my kids a total of 85 pounds (I also have 30 pounds of weight I gained after a miscarriage right before my first pregnancy)...luckily I've lost 25 pounds during my 6 week postpartum with baby #2 and now I'm working on the baby #1 weight!

Help me become the hot mom I used to be!! Looking forward to getting to know you guys and motivating all of us :)


  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    welcome and good luck with ur weight loss journey. Feel free to add me I also have 2 kids close in age.
  • jeweljeans
    jeweljeans Posts: 109 Member
    Oh my! You would be super mom. My little one is six months... It was only at 4 months that I felt like I had energy again! You are one tough lady, you can do this!