What is you're total and how often/long do you train?



  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    Nice Tim. Why is the DL goal 227kg exactly?

    I imagine cause its 500lb
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    Yep. It's 500lbs. :p
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Yep. It's 500lbs. :p

    AAAAHHH, good goal. Same one set.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    As of yesterday - 19/10/12

    Squat - 120kg
    Deadlift - 170kg
    Bench - 75kg

    So 365kg total.

    Weights training - 4 set days a week + 1 additional day per fortnight for a full body workout

    Average session - between 60-120 minutes including stretching and warm up/down.

    Really hoping for an explosion in gains with my bench numbers... My squat and deadlift went up pretty consistently since starting lifting but barbell bench and dumbbell press numbers have really disappointing by comparison.

    Also! Would absolutely be stoked if I could hit:
    Squat - 140kg
    Deadlift - 200kg
    Bench - 100kg

    By the end of the year. I have my doubts (especially about bench, damn chest) but I'm going for it anyway!
  • 2getgeorge
    2getgeorge Posts: 81 Member
    according to JEFit:
    total= 844lbs


    train 7 days per week
    1.5hr average session including warm up, post stretch and cardio.

    I'll be happy when I can 1rm 600lbs. 600lbs, 300lbs
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    Total = 440 and I train 4-5 active days (full intensity strength training for 1.5 hours on average) and 1-2 active rest days (cardio only or cardio and some higher rep abs for 30-45 minutes on average).
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    475/355/525 1355 @ 190
    216/161/239 616 @ 86.4
    402 WILKS

    4 days/week, ~90 minutes (6 days if you count core/basketball on Wednesday and basketball Sunday night, but I figured you meant strength training)
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    475/355/525 1355 @ 190
    216/161/239 616 @ 86.4
    402 WILKS

    4 days/week, ~90 minutes (6 days if you count core/basketball on Wednesday and basketball Sunday night, but I figured you meant strength training)

    My word that's impressive. Would you mind posting or sending me a synopsis of your workout plan? Lifts, reps, and sets? It would be much appreciated. I'm sure others in the thread would find it useful.
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks. I really enjoy training, so I don't consider it work, but that's very nice of you to say and it makes it feel like the "work" pays off.

    Well, I didn't get there by one magic plan. There was a lot of misguided energy applied, but all in all not too terrible. He's the general "how I got here" response:

    Background 5'7 swimmer in HS at around 150 with <5% BF, did some lifting and lots of basketball. College cheerleader, got up to 205 or so my 2nd year but quit lifting (other than people) because cheerleading got easy. So I have an athletic background, but I didn't train from 21-27. So I'm almost 28 when this process begins.

    10/2008 - 6/2009 Stronglifts 5x5 got 5x5 up to about 300 for squat, 225 for bench, 315 (just 5 not 5x5) on DL, and maybe 135 on OHP (not really remembering that). My goal was to get stronger and lose weight. I went from about 190 to 165 or so. Caliper tested 9% BF.

    6/2009 - 9/2009 Some stupid kettlebell version of SL 5x5 and the Vertical Jump Improvement Bible (or something) where I basically set myself back several months, but I thought I was going to get more "fit." Still around 165.

    9/2009 - 3/2010 Building up to my first PL meet, resumed SL 5x5 and got to where I needed to only squat M/F, then just once a week. Squat got up to 3x5 at 345, bench 5x5 at 265, DL 5x355, OHP maybe 145. First meet was 3/2010, weighed 188 and did 413/292/451.

    4/2010 - 9/2010 Focused on my next PL meet, I changed from 3x/week to 4 and did 5/3/1 with Westside as the assistance.
    M 5/3/1 Bench + ME Bench + horizontal pulling
    T 5/3/1 DL + DE Squat
    Th 5/3/1 OHP + DE Bench + vertical pulling
    Fr 5/3/1 Squat + ME Squat
    Despite some random acts of Crossfit in my assistance work, I managed to put up big PR's on bench and squat. My DL form had degraded and I put up a modest PR. 451/331/463 @ 190, won the USAPL VA State title.

    I continued with this training until April 2011. I got up to 295x3 on bench, 425x3 on squat, 475 DL, and 195x3 OHP. I had entered another meet in April 2011. My wife suffered a subcorionic hemorrhage on 4/4/11 and I decided not to go to the meet. This derailed my training, as my focus was on her and the baby. I still went to the gym, but the training was aimless.

    My buddy who got me into lifting tried to snap me out of it and we started the Grey Skull Linear Progression. I was up to 5,5,8 at 275 on bench, 5,5,10 at 375 on squat, 5,5,7 at 175 on OHP and 415x11 on DL. On 385 for squat the bar slipped off my back and tore part of my front delt off my clavicle. Four weeks later I got a bulging disc in my neck that caused my left arm to go numb. This was in August and with the new baby in October, training was aimless and had no plan. I showed up and tried to do what I could, but it was wasted. I did, however, get up to 215 by June of 2012. Pretty fat, though.

    Since June I've been using the Shockwave protocol by John Kiefer at DangerlouslyHardcore.com along with the Carb Backloading diet. I got down to 185 and I've recently done Partitioned Set Ramps (PSR) on:
    Squat at 315, 365, 405, 415, 425 (sets of 3, no rest except to change the weights and get a spotter for the 400+)
    Bench at 245, 265, 275, 285, 295
    DL at 365, 405, 425, 445, 455
    I don't do OHP much on this, instead the HS and it gets up to 250, but with it being a machine I don't think the weight is anywhere near as challenging, obviously I'm not OHP'ing 250.
    Push Press 245x2

    So that led to my recent meet where I put up the numbers in my previous post. I wish I had done Starting Strength for six months, then jumped to 5/3/1-WS. I think I'd be a lot stronger now. I really wish my wife hadn't had her issue and it'd be really great if I hadn't got hurt. Also, I can't consistently train squats because my left shoulder can't handle the bar and it makes my left arm completely useless for a week every time I go heavy.

    All of the programs I mentioned are available online. Feel free to ask any details on the times I was outside of the typical protocol on any given one.
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    I train 3-4 days a week for 1 hour

    Squat - 369 -( 3 times) could have went higher but, no spotter.


    Dead lift -225 - I need to improve my grip strength because i know I can do more...

    Total 819
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    475/355/525 1355 @ 190
    216/161/239 616 @ 86.4
    402 WILKS

    4 days/week, ~90 minutes (6 days if you count core/basketball on Wednesday and basketball Sunday night, but I figured you meant strength training)

    Awesome stuff. And thanks for converting to kgs and the detailed training history there.

    We all have our bad times like injuries and such but it's what you do when they happen that matters. Give up or do what you can in the meantime? Looks like you did really well through all the tough times.

    Mr Buckines: good stuff! Re grip strength: I like, high rep bb calf raises or shruts, hanging from a pullup bar for as long as possible, farmers walks and I've recently been doing a few one arm deadlifts. (great for the core too)
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    475/355/525 1355 @ 190
    216/161/239 616 @ 86.4
    402 WILKS

    4 days/week, ~90 minutes (6 days if you count core/basketball on Wednesday and basketball Sunday night, but I figured you meant strength training)

    Awesome stuff. And thanks for converting to kgs and the detailed training history there.

    We all have our bad times like injuries and such but it's what you do when they happen that matters. Give up or do what you can in the meantime? Looks like you did really well through all the tough times.

    Mr Buckines: good stuff! Re grip strength: I like, high rep bb calf raises or shruts, hanging from a pullup bar for as long as possible, farmers walks and I've recently been doing a few one arm deadlifts. (great for the core too)


    WRT Grip training, Kroc Rows (1-arm DB rows) are great. Go for AMAP with a challenging weight and be explosive on each rep.
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    thanks guys, for the recommendation on the grip strength...I've been doing farmers walks for the last few weeks to improve my grip strength and add new element to my workouts. I add some of you guys recommendations too...I know this is impacting my dead lifts because my grip gives at a certain point.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    thanks guys, for the recommendation on the grip strength...I've been doing farmers walks for the last few weeks to improve my grip strength and add new element to my workouts. I add some of you guys recommendations too...I know this is impacting my dead lifts because my grip gives at a certain point.

    oh and if your not already, over/under grip for when you get close to your max.
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks. I really enjoy training, so I don't consider it work, but that's very nice of you to say and it makes it feel like the "work" pays off. ...

    Really great stuff. Thanks for taking the time to post it. Interesting to see how you progressed over time. I'm still in my beginning stages. Lifted consistently for the first time in my life since January...however, I had been mixing too many things that I was reading and training by feel. I saw beginner gains, but I started to stall. I also realized that I needed to set goals and plan/program if I wanted to continue to get stronger.

    I ran Ed Coan's deadlift program and added 55 pounds (450-505) to my max. I just hit 535 after 3 weeks of 10, 8, 6 with heavy weight (and adding 10 pounds to each set, each week). Not really a specific type of training, but something that felt good. I wanted to switch it up. Squats are also going up a bit each month with my own 5/3/1 (82%, 88%, 1RM or PR) and then two back-down sets for reps, usually as much as I can do for 8-12. However, bench has completely stalled for about 4-6 weeks. I can't remember when I finished the Muscle Media bench program. It's discouraging.

    After doing my research, I think I'm going to go 5/3/1, especially after seeing your progression. It's easy to run and has a good reputation for making people stronger. Although, I'll probably continue my made up program for a week or two while I research the other training styles you listed.

    Right now I'm at 435/290/535 @ 205. Next goal is to lose 10 pounds and get to a 1300 total...just gotta figure out how to get there! Mini-goal: Bench 315 finally. It's taking forever.
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    thanks guys, for the recommendation on the grip strength...I've been doing farmers walks for the last few weeks to improve my grip strength and add new element to my workouts. I add some of you guys recommendations too...I know this is impacting my dead lifts because my grip gives at a certain point.

    oh and if your not already, over/under grip for when you get close to your max.

    Kroc/Dumbbell rows have done wonders for me. Definitely switch to an o/u grip once you feel like your grip is severely holding you back. Biggest thing for me was getting some chalk. I don't like straps and don't train with any gear, but I can personally recommend chalk. It's definitely a noticeable difference.
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    thanks guys, for the recommendation on the grip strength...I've been doing farmers walks for the last few weeks to improve my grip strength and add new element to my workouts. I add some of you guys recommendations too...I know this is impacting my dead lifts because my grip gives at a certain point.

    oh and if your not already, over/under grip for when you get close to your max.

    Kroc/Dumbbell rows have done wonders for me. Definitely switch to an o/u grip once you feel like your grip is severely holding you back. Biggest thing for me was getting some chalk. I don't like straps and don't train with any gear, but I can personally recommend chalk. It's definitely a noticeable difference.

    Thank @ Kingkong, I've never used chalk or the straps but, I was considering purchasing some straps to help with my heavy lifts but, I will consider getting some chalk first instead of the straps...
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Only 690lbs. Have had some injuries, but I'm on the clear now. My workouts are about 45min on average.

    300 deadlift
    255 squat
    135 bench

    Theoretical 1rms are higher, but these are ones actually done.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I just joined the group over the weekend.

    1RM from last week (in lbs): 365 DL/285 BP/345 Squat

    I took the summer off from lifting. That was at the end of 2 months of consistant lifting 45 minutes, 3 days a week, and running about 3 miles on the other days. 1 day off. I did reps of 10-8-6-4 as heavy as I could. I was suprised I could 1RM max as much as I did. I never got close to those numbers in High School, and this has me pretty excited about lifting. I'm in Day 2 of a new routine where I lift 4 times a week, and do 5 sets of 10. Then one day of running intervals and one day of a 3-4 mile "run".

    I think I know what I'm doing, but I may not know what I'm doing. Which is why I joined this group, and why I'm switching things up. As soon as I put the scratch together I'd like to study, and take PT Certification for my own grins...and maybe take a few clients as side hustle. My main goal is fat loss.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Wow you are all beasts! I'm probably the weakest kitten here in this whole group so forgive my numbers, lol...

    squat: 57.5kg (126.5 lbs.) + deadlift: 57.5 kg (126.5 lbs.) + bench: 35kg (77 lbs.) = 150kg (330 lbs.)

    I lift twice a week (Sunday & Wednesday) for full body training. Average session is 90 minutes