Focus after holiday?!?!? 9/4

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey, I hope if you did not do the Triceps challenge that you will do that today or incorporate in your week. Fat accumulates quickly in the back of the arms so we need to work it more we don't wave when we wave! LOL! See 9/3/2012 Challenge

For those not interested in the Tricep Challenge I have another.

When you exercise today do not focus on time or even the's challenge is to focus soley on the exercise you are doing! Are you using great get the most out of the exercise and prevent injury with great form.
Are you putting your 100% in it?
Challenge: Focus Focus Focus!!!! YOU many not think a challenge but focusing on the movement and muscle makes you more powerful and you get better results. Focus on form, breathing and using great technique....try it and let me know.



  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I'm going to be pulling weeds today after work - should be great shoulder and tricep work!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I did tri-cep extensions this AM and will be raking mowed grass clumps after work.... my arms will be "WoRkIn It!!"! :bigsmile:
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    most of our kickbox instructors give us a 3 minute free round to just beat on the bag. i use this time to focus on one technique (my kicks have consumed this time for the last 6 weeks!) in an effort to get the form and power right.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Oh girl you make me laugh. "so we don't wave when we wave!" Love that! You all have to admit, either it was your arms waving your saw someone else's wave at length and it made you frown or laugh, depending on who was doing the waving.

    Okay I will work my triceps today to limit my wave. LOL
  • Antonia2501
    Antonia2501 Posts: 121 Member
    That's a great challenge for today. I was completely focused during my workout today and one of them was triceps. It was great to get back to it :)