endurance drills

Im trying to work on my endurance and on my speed. What are some good exercises on and off skates for endurance training? Anyone have any suggestions?


  • merd0210
    merd0210 Posts: 32 Member
    C25K helped me build up my endurance and I have just excepted the fact that I will never be super fast (though when Im jamming the endurance helps a lot more than the speed I believe). On skates I would see if you could get your team to possibly do lap leads for warm ups, builds up on skates endurance.
  • C25K is a great idea. I did it back in the spring because I did a Warrior Dash in June. I have to admit, I only did it enough to get through the warrior dash (which just about killed me!), and have been thinking about taking up running again.

    Our team does a group drill where we try to do 40 laps in ten minutes as a group; I'm not very good at it, but it does help with endurance. I think another good drill we do is "build a *****". Maybe everyone does this maybe not, but for those of you who don't know what it is, you partner off and you skate a lap while your partner does situps or pushups, then you switch, building up to 5 laps and then work your way back down to one. Its tough but it helps with endurance.

    I've thought about running stairs too, at the local football field, or somewhere. I think this would be a good endurance exercise.

    Anyone else have any good ideas?
  • CChandler81
    CChandler81 Posts: 100 Member
    Off skates wise, biking or swimming is great if running bothers your knees (it does mine but I'm slowly trying).

    For drills at practice, this blog is a great resource! http://www.allderbydrills.com/?m=1