Aches and pains

Do anyone’s ovaries just hurt all the time? I only have one ovary now, when I had two it would alternate sides and now that one has been removed it just aches constantly on the side that still has an ovary intact. Losing weight has not helped with this pain, my endometriosis pain has gone down considerably, but not the pain from what I assume to be the cysts. I get regular ultrasounds to watch for very large cysts, the pain does not seem to be contingent on having a large, multiple, or small cysts- it just hurts constantly with twinges of worse pain every so often. I’m just curious how common this is- my doctor takes my complaint seriously, but she says it’s not likely pain from the PCOS, but pain from the Endo. I worry about going to the doctor too often complaining of pain, they've suggested another surgery multiple times, but there's always a chance they will have to remove my remaining ovary during the surgery which I'm not willing to risk at this point. I’m fairly in tune with my body; endometriosis pain feels differently than ovarian cyst pain and I’m pretty sure it’s just my ovary. How about you guys? Does anyone have effective ways to deal with the pain without using heavy pain killers?


  • pinkscarlett01
    I'm sorry i cant be much help i only get pain if and when i get my period and its HELL. i do use a heating pad and it helps calm the pain i don't like using pain killers that often.

    but i hope you fined some good answers from other people >.< sorry i wasnt much help

    good luck

  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    I just developed PCOS out of the blue at 29 after a miscarriage7 months ago. I am a healthy BMI and my ovaries hurt ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME. My doctor noted my complaint but didn't have much advice on it. I was supposed to start fertility treatment but then my period and ovulation came back (at least for one month). I don't know what to do about it either, but I am in the same boat. It sucks.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I just developed PCOS out of the blue at 29 after a miscarriage7 months ago. I am a healthy BMI and my ovaries hurt ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME. My doctor noted my complaint but didn't have much advice on it. I was supposed to start fertility treatment but then my period and ovulation came back (at least for one month). I don't know what to do about it either, but I am in the same boat. It sucks.

    I would venture to guess you had had it for a while, especially if you had a miscarriage. It's not uncommon women have it for their entire reproductive life and not know. I know a couple women who either developed worse symptoms or their symptoms went away entirely after a pregnancy, probably something to do with the changes in your hormones. From what my doctor said, there's an increased risk of miscarriage with PCOS, it has something to do with the insulin resistance that typically goes along with PCOS. When I was diagnosed I was at a healthy BMI, I've gained since then and my PCOS has not gotten worse, my ultrasounds have not really shown a worsening of the condition either. I know there is a weight coloration with developing PCOS since insulin resistance which can cause PCOS can be caused by excess weight, but that's not always the case- you can be healthy and still be insulin resistant. When I had 2 ovaries they both hurt all the time, now my one hurts all the time. It sucks, I had hoped someone would have a miracle suggestion, but that was just grasping at straws. I don't think there's any way around it besides pain killers and heating pads.