Level 4

petithamu Posts: 582 Member
We've made it to Level 4! How are we all doing??


  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I finished Day 1 on Level 4. Anyone else on Level 4?!?
  • KristiBell1
    KristiBell1 Posts: 61 Member
    What do think of level 4? I hate level 3 and can not wait to move on.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    So hard. So so so so hard. Level 3 seems like child play now...

    But I love the end where she gives a motivation talk. I just want to get to the end and then lie there with my eyes closed listening to her.

    It is so freaking hard though...
  • KristiBell1
    KristiBell1 Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for the heads up. I have been staying at each level for about 2 weeks so I have another week before I have to face level 4.