Spread The Word

:smile: I'll Let My Friends Know That Live In The Area That There's A Group And To Join.


  • keithmf24
    Thanks Brother, and Congrats on being the first member to join, group was just opened today so it will takea few weeks to get a good solid member base.

  • Thanks. Yea I Notice This Site Isnt Really Well Known But Its Really Good And Helps. I've Been Spreading The Word To Friends And They All Love The Site.
  • keithmf24
    Oh yea for sure.. I love the site and the APP, have been on and off for a year now but currently on a 43 day streak. it really keeps me honest and on the straight and narrow.
  • Haha well i have the app on my phone but i dont go on it as much i just started really going on it yesterday so yea but i've been gonig ot the gym every other day still and my in between days i run in the mornings get a lil excercise in but i know this is going to help out alot =D i see you lost 21 thats great man.