60 Day Challenge!!! (Sacrafices)

This challenge will take a lot of motivation and self discipline. If you’re up for the challenge come join in. You must be willing to encourage other participants.

Starting date: September 9, 2012

Ending date: November 8, 2012

Challenge is:

•Must login to MFP daily and log your food/exercise.
•Must also log on to the forum daily and post how well you think you did for that day along with how you felt.
•Must encourage/celebrate at least two people in the forum each day.
•ONLY drink WATER during this challenge (no tea, coffee, sodas, milk, etc. for 60 days)
•NO SWEETS during this challenge (no cakes, cookies, candy, ice cream, etc. for 60 days)

Exercises are:

•Must get at least 30 minutes of cardio work in daily. (you can do whatever cardio work you want to do)
•Must get strength workout in 4 days/week. (These are the strength exercises you must do, you can use any size weight you desire but must list it on your forum log. The reps listed below are the minimum, feel free to do more if you can.)

Bicep curls (3 sets of 8)
Upright row (3 sets of 8)
Tricep dips (3 sets of 8) **you can use weights if you don’t like the dips
Lateral Lifts (3 sets of 8)
Frontal Lifts (3 sets of 8)
Chest Flys (3 sets of 8)
Overhead Press (3 sets of 8)
Push Ups (3 sets of 10)
Squats (3 sets of 10) **add weights if you like
Walking Lunges (3 sets of 10) **add weights if you like

If you complete this challenge you should loss a good amount of weight. Drinking water alone will take extra pounds off. Once the 60 days have passed everyone will share their success story and we will celebrate everyone for doing such a good job!!!

Like I said, this is a challenge!!! It is going to be a big challenge for me to give up sweets for 60 day!!! But I am willing to do it because I have a bigger goal that I am trying to reach. If you're in let me know you’re in!!! Don’t forget to log EVERYDAY!!! OK, Sunday is the big day!!! I will send a reminder to all!!!

Good Luck!!!


Hello everyone today I did zumba for 30 which is my cardio workout.
I did the following strength training with 10lb weights for arms and 12lb weights for legs.
Bicep curls (4 sets of 8)
Upright row (3 sets of 8)
Tricep dips (4 sets of 8)
Lateral Lifts (3 sets of 8)
Frontal Lifts (3 sets of 8)
Chest Flys (4 sets of 8)
Overhead Press (4 sets of 8)
Push Ups (4 sets of 10)
Squats (5 sets of 10)
Walking Lunges (3 sets of 10)

Today was a struggle but I made it though hopefully tomorrow will be better.


  • ecgotfit
    ecgotfit Posts: 16 Member
  • ppmarkgraf
    ppmarkgraf Posts: 6 Member
    So I don't REALLY have a sweet tooth, but I can pound thru a bag of Doritos in one sitting like NOBODY's Business!! LOL!! BUT I do occasionally indulge in a sweet or two, especially if I haven't planned my food choices for the day. I'm a self-proclaimed "binge eater". I'll do the best I can in being a part of this group, but I am training for a 1/2 Marathon, so I HAVE to have planned days of rest so that I don't injure myself in the process. I can do some light walking or lap swimming in my pool on those days. I do not have a gym membership and my hubby and I are saving for a home gym, so the strength training I do is my own body weight, but there's nothing easy about the strength training I do. So I'm definitely in, with some modifications on the exercise. I don't want to overdo it.
  • djferrera
    Thanks I was looking for a kick start now that school as started up again! I'm in! Did 30 min. today on the elliptical and followed it up with 100 situps, 2 sets of 10 pushups and some lower back extensions. Just started my journaling which is by far the hardest part for me, but will give it a try.
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    I'm in!
  • PinkSweets87
    PinkSweets87 Posts: 9 Member
    I like this challenge! I'm in! No coffee may be hard for a bit, so I may wein myself off of it. I know it's for the better in the long run though. As for Tea, I hope Hot Green Tea is okay!
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    I am new to MVP and this is my first time joining a group. I have lost 70lbs and am half way to my goal, but I think it's a great idea to take a challenge with others to push myself. It will be hard to drink just water because I like flavor and I'm not crazy about exercise either. I seem to have pretty good self control but will need to stop buying those Atkins bars. I'm excited for the discoveries and progress I will make.
  • wolfwalker67
    I am new to MFP and my dieting but have been doing cardio & strength training for the past 4 months. Most of the exercises I am already doing. The only one on the list I can't physically do is the lunges. My knees just won't tolerate it at my current weight. As for drinking nothing but water, will be hard but I'm in!
  • RobinStarr_RN
    RobinStarr_RN Posts: 26 Member
    I don't know what all those exercises are:(
  • Jde56
    Jde56 Posts: 9 Member
    Im in. I am very unfit will try a 30 min walk today. MFP has worked for me before 6 kgs in 8 weeks. does anyone know the theory behind only drinking water?
  • Workitgirl96
    This is exactly what I need and I cannot wait to get start!!! Thank you and good luck to everyone!
  • blessingsx2
    blessingsx2 Posts: 119 Member
    Love the idea of this challenge and it ends right on my birthday!! Not sure I know what all the strength exercises are but will do my best :)
  • 38degrees
    This also ends on my birthday! Ok, I'm in.
  • LouD76
    LouD76 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in as well. Thank you for the invite. I had surgery 2 weeks ago so will start with walking every day, and I will do as much of the strength training as possible. I've banned all sweets a month ago already, so this challenge will just help me to stay strong with that. I also gave coffee :-( around the same time.

    As I get stronger I will do more cardio, get back to my taebo.

    Good luck guys, I'm sure we will see some great results at the end of this challenge.
  • snross1998
    Glad to see so many ppl joining this challenge. I noticed a few who are limited to certain exercises, just do what you can do and give it you best!!! That's what it's all about, working hard, staying focus, and losing weight!!!

    I saw a question about the theory of water. I have given up all drinks since the beginning of the year and been drinking nothing but water and the results have been amazing in my mid section. My dentist even noticed when I went to him. His quote "you don't drink many sodas or sweet drinks do you?" That blew me away that he could tell that by my teeth and I didn't have to get any other work done to my teeth!!! Thank God!!! I thought only water would help shed some inches and maybe a few pounds.

    I also see a few don't know what all the strenght exercises are, you can look on youtube and you can find vidoes showing you how to do the exercises.

    I hope you guys enjoy this challenge and stay focus!!! Lets enjoy our last two days before the challenge begins!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Count me in! Excited for a new challenge!!
  • Camsmom24
    I am in!! I was doing really good for a while then when summer started, I totally fell off the wagon. I had lots of excuses and very little motivation. I cannot afford a new wardrobe so it's time to get back on track. Thanks for starting this and good luck to everyone!
  • monica_85
    Looking for any help and support that can be given.
  • mrsbimage
    I am in definetly not going to be easy giving coffee up and exercising EVERY SINGE DAY.... but I will give it a try
  • Faraolaua
    Wow! It is very interesting! I am in!=)
  • Womberbat
    I am in!... giving up coffee will be a big ask through as I normally have it intravenously prior to becoming human every morning...

    I am pretty sure my co-workers will send out warning flares on the morning I step into the office without my mandatory cuppa or two or three

    I suppose I can just wear a hazard sign around my neck till I wean myself off the evil brew :o(