BDSM & Leather.....need I say more



  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    Former top, current switch, but mostly inactive as far as actual play goes these days. Previously poly, but focusing on my primary relationship now.

    Coincidentally, I was thinking on my drive in to work that I need to donate my St. Andrews Cross to a leather charity for auction or something because I never use it any more.

    I wish you were closer, I am in need of a St. Andrews Cross.
  • PrincessYorga
    Femme sub/switch if asked. Currently in a monogamous relationship, non-lifestyle. Open to like-minded friends. :-)
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    Stem Switch - currently in a monogamous relationship. Introducing the girlfriend into some fun activities ;)
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    Former top, current switch, but mostly inactive as far as actual play goes these days. Previously poly, but focusing on my primary relationship now.

    Coincidentally, I was thinking on my drive in to work that I need to donate my St. Andrews Cross to a leather charity for auction or something because I never use it any more.

    I wish you were closer, I am in need of a St. Andrews Cross.

    I have a few connections down in the GA area that would probably love a good donation. :) If I was closer my organization would LOVE to auction it off. We have a yearly event that raises monies for EXCELLENT CHARITIES. Such as By the Grace of George! and animal charity!
  • kallistei
    kallistei Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm surprised to find more kinksters here! I'm a pansexual female sadomasochist. Glad to see everyone~~
  • SexNerd
    SexNerd Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am queer, genderqueer, and sometimes equally ambiguously kinky. I used to dom my previous partner, but I would say I feel more comfortable as a switch. I really like fire play, although I haven't got to do it but once. I feel like a lot of my life goals used to be related to sexuality in general and my own, but I haven't felt very confident to go in that direction as much lately. I am studying sexuality in college though, and I LOVE to talk about it!!! I am poly, and I have one partner at the moment and a former partner who is becoming more significant in my life again. I used to be significantly involved in a couple poly communities, but I haven't been lately. I hope to change that by getting more involved, going to more conferences and workshops about sexuality again, and spending more time at sex shops with friends again.

    I'd love to talk with more people who have similar interests, so even if I haven't sent you a friend request, please don't hesitant to send me one! I'm much more likely to accept it if I know why you're sending it.

    - Paula :)