Help me with my profile

richx83 Posts: 334 Member
Hey everyone, I am using plenty of fish (only because it is free) to write my profile and to help me work out who I am and would really appreciate some feedback and advice please:

Thanks everyone :drinker:


  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hi Rich,

    I like the picture, but can you add more? I'm going to give you brutal honesty here because I want you to be successful, so please don't take my criticisms too badly. :flowerforyou:

    Your profile so far is what I would consider to be one-dimensional. You have shared one aspect of yourself - physical fitness (although you have shared a couple activities that entails). Profiles that are completely centered around physical activity don't catch my interest, especially when there isn't something mentioned that looks like an activity I might like to join in. This is something I see in many profiles of men around here. To me, it looks like they are searching for a workout buddy.

    I also think the part about "we will get fat considerably faster" is too negative. Women tend to be very insecure about their bodies and gaining weight and I think you might turn away women who are like minded, but could imagine you would dump them if they gained lots of weight (like after having those children it says you want). I would rephrase that in a more positive way, saying that you are committed to a healthy and active lifestyle and are looking for someone who shares those goals.

    So... what else to do you like to do besides working out and swinging from trees? What kinds of restaurants do you like? TV or movies? A book that you really connected with? (Do you even read as a hobby?) What are some things you might like to do that you can imagine a woman standing at your side doing with you? (eg. walks on the beach, hiking, shopping, traveling). I see you have theater listed as interests -- talk about that!

    Can you also share more about your personality? What kind of guy are you? Laid back, driven? What do you want out of life? The 3 peaks challenge sounds like just another athletic thing to me, but if the charity part resonates with you, maybe you could say more about that.
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    awesome feedback thank you very much, will think on those points and work into my next revision

    Thank you

  • SweetBasil35
    SweetBasil35 Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Rich! Here are some thoughts:

    * You probably want to share some GOOD times too (not just challenges) so talk more about what "good things" mean to you. As well as what you're looking for in a woman.
    * Delete everything after "working out and keeping fit is important to me"... reframe that say something like "looking for someone that can help support me in being active, and one that I can support as well".
    * Put the "3 Peaks" sentence after the second paragraph.
    * We women want LOTS more info about your personality than what you currently have listed. How would your best friend describe you? What would coworkers say about your work ethic/performance? What are some quiet time things you enjoy? Are you a "take charge" kinda guy, or more laid back and reserved?

    Hope that gets you thinking a little. Remember to keep EVERYTHING positive and upbeat, and make yourself SHINE! Best of luck to you!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Hi Rich

    I get that you want a challenge!! But women dont see relationships as a challenge, or a fitness regime!! They want romance!! A partner, a lover, a friend, a protector..... a knight in shining armour!!!.

    Where is your romantic side?? Where is your humour?? What are your powers of seduction??

    Good luck, and a wave from London! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I can't take a look at your profile but what makes it easy for me is to remember who your audience is- women. So your profile should be in language a woman will like and receive. Humor is huge for me!! Showing that youre spontaneous is a plus. The working out thing is good but if I come across a profile in which that is all he talks about, I move on. Its the same if I come across a profile in which all he talks about is work.