The last straw moment

marikevr Posts: 389 Member
People's capacity to handle stress always amazes me. And then you get to a specific small thing and you just lose it. I won't even bore you with all the details of the build up to my last straw moment. The second last thing was being rearended in a thunderstorm yesterday causing my whole back end of my car to be dented.

The last straw moment was me standing in the rain in a McDonalds parking lot, trying to jam my mom's walker through the side door of the car (because the boot can't open) with my whiplashed neck and not being able to get it in. From the one moment to the next I just lost it. I stood there screaming like a banjee and smashing my fists on the top of my car. Not pretty.

But better out than in. That little performance made me feel a LOT better.


  • m23gm25
    m23gm25 Posts: 157
    Oh God I've had days like that! And you're right better out than in! I used to hold everything in. I ate my emotions. Sometimes I still do.But I'm getting better. And I see so are you! LOL!:laugh: