Jobs Report

lour441 Posts: 543 Member
Yet another horrible Jobs Report published in the wake of the DNC. Talk about terrible timing. This really makes you wonder what country the Democrats are talking about when they say we are in recovery. I guess it is all a matter of perspective. At least the smoke and mirrors of the unemployment rate keeps dropping. Maybe Obama should halt unemployment benefits to everyone beyond a year to really get a huge drop in the unemployment rate!

Good thing the Democrats can run on abortion, contraception, and gay rights. The economy is killing them!

If only the Republicans weren't a mess, I would have someone to vote for :(.


  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Can you at least provide a link to what you're talking about?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    There can be no recovery as long as outsourcing is allowed. Until America says if don't make it here, you can't sell it here (at least without heavy tariffs), we're screwed.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Heavy tariffs will never happen... It pisses off the countries that we trade with and it can end up stifling the economy in its own right.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Heavy tariffs will never happen... It pisses off the countries that we trade with and it can end up stifling the economy in its own right.

    I know, but it's better than what is happening now. We can't compete with child labor and business friendly dictatorships, starvation wages, and horrible working conditions. We don't want to compete with those things, and as of now, we are being forced to more and more.

    Even if we only refused goods from the worst human rights violators and put tariffs on the really bad ones, we'd bet better off than we are now.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I will have to find it again, but recently I have been reading articles that state that companies are bringing their work back from overseas, because it is more beneficial for them to have their workforce here.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I will have to find it again, but recently I have been reading articles that state that companies are bringing their work back from overseas, because it is more beneficial for them to have their workforce here.

    Yeah, I'd love to read that. The only ones I've heard of coming back are a few call center jobs because Americans get snitty over Indian accents.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I may be wrong, but I don't believe we can put tariffs on companies. Just countries where the goods are imported from.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I may be wrong, but I don't believe we can put tariffs on companies. Just countries where the goods are imported from.

    We can make a law saying whatever we darn well want. America couldn't care less about international law, or Bush would have been tried for war crimes.

    Anyway, if we started refusing goods from countries with poor human rights records, some might improve on those, which would not only benefit us, but also benefit people around the world.

    Looking at you, China.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Aww China! The communist country that has benefitted from our "capitalism".
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    It was current Friday news but here ya go.

    Well since I'm not actually American no it's not current news for me. But hey, if you want to debate, posting your source is always a good thing!

    Unfortunately there's not a lot Obama can do when he has an obstructionist Congress. Republicans. He's trying, but when you have Republicans on record stating that they want to keep the jobless rate high so they can win elections, Obama's hands are tied. For exmaple the Republicans have filibustered FOUR HUNDRED TIMES ( on the floor, DOUBLING what the Democrats did in the past 12 years. These include actual bills that were meant to create jobs. So how is is Obama's fault that job creation is lower?

    Here's a British article on the Republicans efforts (

    Here's another one ( from the guy who did write a book on it, so there will be bias there.

    You want to blame someone for the current mess America is in, blame the Republicans.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    It was current Friday news but here ya go.

    Well since I'm not actually American no it's not current news for me. But hey, if you want to debate, posting your source is always a good thing!

    Unfortunately there's not a lot Obama can do when he has an obstructionist Congress. Republicans. He's trying, but when you have Republicans on record stating that they want to keep the jobless rate high so they can win elections, Obama's hands are tied. For exmaple the Republicans have filibustered FOUR HUNDRED TIMES ( on the floor, DOUBLING what the Democrats did in the past 12 years. These include actual bills that were meant to create jobs. So how is is Obama's fault that job creation is lower?

    Here's a British article on the Republicans efforts (

    Here's another one ( from the guy who did write a book on it, so there will be bias there.

    You want to blame someone for the current mess America is in, blame the Republicans.
    Yup. Obama wanted to give a tax break to companies that brought jobs back to America and eliminate the tax credit for companies that ship jobs overseas. Sounds great right? Those GOP congressmen and Senators who ran on "creating jobs" should love that right? Yea, not so much. They blocked it. They don't care about getting jobs for Americans. Their sole purpose in life is to get rid of Obama. I'm amazed at the number of otherwise seemingly intelligent people who think that the GOP is actually going to help the unemployment rate.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    It was current Friday news but here ya go.

    Well since I'm not actually American no it's not current news for me. But hey, if you want to debate, posting your source is always a good thing!

    Unfortunately there's not a lot Obama can do when he has an obstructionist Congress. Republicans. He's trying, but when you have Republicans on record stating that they want to keep the jobless rate high so they can win elections, Obama's hands are tied. For exmaple the Republicans have filibustered FOUR HUNDRED TIMES ( on the floor, DOUBLING what the Democrats did in the past 12 years. These include actual bills that were meant to create jobs. So how is is Obama's fault that job creation is lower?

    Here's a British article on the Republicans efforts (

    Here's another one ( from the guy who did write a book on it, so there will be bias there.

    You want to blame someone for the current mess America is in, blame the Republicans.
    Yup. Obama wanted to give a tax break to companies that brought jobs back to America and eliminate the tax credit for companies that ship jobs overseas. Sounds great right? Those GOP congressmen and Senators who ran on "creating jobs" should love that right? Yea, not so much. They blocked it. They don't care about getting jobs for Americans. Their sole purpose in life is to get rid of Obama. I'm amazed at the number of otherwise seemingly intelligent people who think that the GOP is actually going to help the unemployment rate.

    Add to that the main reasons that companies are not hiring include a continued fear of the recession in Europe, an understandable fear of jumping back into the pool with both feet from the US recession and the unknown results of the election. There is not much that a President can do to get people to not fear the market conditions of another world sector while the other portion of government is doing everything it can to keep fear in the market while stymieing any efforts to fix the situation.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    There can be no recovery as long as outsourcing is allowed. Until America says if don't make it here, you can't sell it here (at least without heavy tariffs), we're screwed.

    I think that the Protectionism you are looking for would cause more issues then it solves. It would most certainly raise prices on just about everything we need that we import from other countries. This would primarily hurt the poor and middle class but at least we are making stuff in the US now, right??!

    There is plenty on the net about how protectionism is a bad idea. You can Google if you are really interested.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Graphs are always fun. Here is the first, showing private-sector job creation under Bush and Obama:


    And here is the second, showing public-sector jobs:


    That pretty much sums it up. I actually posted these graphs in an earlier discussion on a similar topic. The facts are that millions of new jobs have been created in the private sector--moreso than during the same period of the Bush administration. The difference is due to the drastic cuts in public sector jobs during this same period.

    If you go back to the ARRA, you will remember that a big chunk of the bill was providing funds to states to maintain the jobs of teachers, police, and firefighters--all part of the public sector. The right wing has always lied about this as a "Obama payoff to unions", instead of what it really was. After that money was gone, and the jobs have been eliminated, we can clearly see the effects.

    I don't want to lay everything at the feet of "republican obstructionism", but it cannot be ignored or denied that those political tactics have played a big role in the slow jobs recovery. As has the fact that the eurozone is slipping back into recession (many think it is due to application of the same "austerity" measures republicans want to try here), and that growth is slowing in China and India.

    There are a number of economists right now who are saying there is not much anyone can do right now

    So we are kind of stuck. There is no political will to do the things that are known to help (e.g. stimulus-type actions); uncertainly about what to do with one sector still dragging everything down (housing), and the other alternative being offered (from republicans) are actions that about 90 percent of economists agree would make things worse (except for a very select few).

    Right now, that's the story of the election: a lot of people are disappointed in the performance of the Obama administration, but they are reasonably certain that republicans suck and they are absolutely certain that Romney sucks. That is why you continue to see the odds strongly in favor of Obama's re-election, although I sill think a lot of the numbers are soft. As I pointed out in another article I cited in a previous discussion, a number of people like Obama, but are looking for Romney to give them a reason to vote for him. Luckily, so far, Romney only continues to give them reasons to think he's a d!ck.

    But there are debates coming up, and Romney has at least $300 million to buy himself a lot of "truthiness", so I still think this is anyone's race.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    It was current Friday news but here ya go.

    Well since I'm not actually American no it's not current news for me. But hey, if you want to debate, posting your source is always a good thing!

    Unfortunately there's not a lot Obama can do when he has an obstructionist Congress. Republicans. He's trying, but when you have Republicans on record stating that they want to keep the jobless rate high so they can win elections, Obama's hands are tied. For exmaple the Republicans have filibustered FOUR HUNDRED TIMES ( on the floor, DOUBLING what the Democrats did in the past 12 years. These include actual bills that were meant to create jobs. So how is is Obama's fault that job creation is lower?

    Here's a British article on the Republicans efforts (

    Here's another one ( from the guy who did write a book on it, so there will be bias there.

    You want to blame someone for the current mess America is in, blame the Republicans.

    Where to start...

    First I would like to apologize for forgetting this is a worldwide audience. Typical Americans thinking they are the center of the universe!!!

    The article you posted from the Maui news includes 2 years while Bush was in office. In fact, based on the link I have provided, the largest number of Cloture filings in the Senate occurred during the 110th Congress before Obama was elected. Is this because the Senate was trying to undermine Obama when he was not even president? Or is it more likely due to the fact that the Republicans and Democrats are more divided and more far apart on issues then any other time in history?

    One can argue that filibusters occur due to the minority party practicing obstructionism. Others could argue filibusters occur due to the majority party using bullying tactics to attempt to push their policy through without working with the minority. I guess it all depends on your perspective.

    I am not naive to think there is one person or party to blame for what is occurring right now. There is plenty of blame to go around. That said, the Democrats at the DNC pumped their chests and took credit for 4.5 million new jobs created during the last 4 years. This tells me they are owning the economy now or they should just give credit to Bush for that. Despite "adding" 4.5 million new jobs in the last 4 years there are only 300k more people working in the U.S. now then there were when Obama took office. In addition, work force participation in the U.S. is at the lowest level since 1981.

    Obama is president. He will need a lot of spin to get re-elected because the state of the economy is not going to help.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It was current Friday news but here ya go.

    Well since I'm not actually American no it's not current news for me. But hey, if you want to debate, posting your source is always a good thing!

    Unfortunately there's not a lot Obama can do when he has an obstructionist Congress. Republicans. He's trying, but when you have Republicans on record stating that they want to keep the jobless rate high so they can win elections, Obama's hands are tied. For exmaple the Republicans have filibustered FOUR HUNDRED TIMES ( on the floor, DOUBLING what the Democrats did in the past 12 years. These include actual bills that were meant to create jobs. So how is is Obama's fault that job creation is lower?

    Here's a British article on the Republicans efforts (

    Here's another one ( from the guy who did write a book on it, so there will be bias there.

    You want to blame someone for the current mess America is in, blame the Republicans.

    Forget blaming one party.... They both are an atrocity to Americans.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Forget blaming one party.... They both are an atrocity to Americans.

    Except for the fact one party is currently actively stopping job creation while complaining that Obama isn't creating jobs. On this particular point (ie the topic we're discussing) the Republucans are the ones who should be criticized not the Democrats.

    Before I move on to my next point, the two party system sucks no matter what country you're in. Unfortunately it's not going to change anytime soon. (unless the moderate Republicans form a new party and leave the cesspit that is the current Republicxn party. As a history major to see the party of Lincoln and Eusenhower turn into its current incantation is depressing)
    The article you posted from the Maui news includes 2 years while Bush was in office. In fact, based on the link I have provided, the largest number of Cloture filings in the Senate occurred during the 110th Congress before Obama was elected. Is this because the Senate was trying to undermine Obama when he was not even president? Or is it more likely due to the fact that the Republicans and Democrats are more divided and more far apart on issues then any other time in history?

    No but they were trying to stop a Democratic controlled house from passing bills.

    Unfortunately bi-partisanship requires both sides to co-operate. The Republicans won't even when Obsma attemps to work with them. A lot of the criticism I've seen of Obama (from Democrats) is that he tries too much to work with the Republicans even when it's obvious they aren't going to work with him.

    Honestly I don't get the filibuster, it's do I democratic it's not funny. The American people elect representatives to enact laws and one person can stop that from happening by reading the phone book?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    There can be no recovery as long as outsourcing is allowed. Until America says if don't make it here, you can't sell it here (at least without heavy tariffs), we're screwed.

    I think that the Protectionism you are looking for would cause more issues then it solves. It would most certainly raise prices on just about everything we need that we import from other countries. This would primarily hurt the poor and middle class but at least we are making stuff in the US now, right??!

    There is plenty on the net about how protectionism is a bad idea. You can Google if you are really interested.

    I don't think we should go the complete protectionism route, but we should refuse goods from countries with poor human rights records. Because right now, a global market means we are being forced to compete with workers who don't have our protections.

    While our infrastructure, tech, and industry do give us some leeway in remaining competitive for now, that won't be true much longer and is increasingly less true.

    Companies who violate workers' human rights should not be permitted to do business in the US, and that includes companies that outsource to countries where they know their workers will have no protections.

    It's also bad for our security. People hate us for a reason, and these outsourcing companies looking for the cheapest, most exploited labor aren't helping.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Democrats are far from perfect when it comes to job creation themselves.

    And as far as statistics are concerned, I am quite skeptical about them, since you can get them to say virtually anything (just like I can with maps). And how much of that "job creation" was congress (that actually makes the policies) vs the president... The current administration vs the last.... State governments vs federal.

    As much as people like to tout, so and so is better at creating jobs than so and so... I am skeptical because it's all about timing and until the unemployment percentage starts on a much steeper decline and I start seeing reports of fewer people needing to resort to government assistance, then maybe, just maybe I might give credit to the government for creating jobs...