3mo and totally bummed about weight...

PhatMama9 Posts: 298 Member
Hello all! I am new to MFP and looking for some friends to support me and for me to help support while we figure out the balance of breastfeeding and losing weight. I just finished law school before I got pregnant and between the two I REALLY packed on the pounds. I'm just starting to figure out how to do a bit more than survive while being a new mom and I need to start losing weight to be happy with myself again. Anybody out there also need to lose tons of weight with a few month old baby? If so please add me :)


  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    I have at least 50lbs to lose! I just had my 4th baby in 5 yrs and prior to getting pregnant I lost 60lbs with MFP and of course gained just about all of it back with this baby. my daughter is 3 months old and I am having the HARDEST time losing even a few pounds . I am frustrated and getting discouraged. I will add you as I think I need all the support I can get.
  • hollyferweda
    I am in the same boat!! I have at LEAST 50 pounds to lose and am at a stand still with the weight coming off. I was told it would drop off if you were nursing, but the scale just keeps fluctuating between 5 pounds. I don't want to compromise my milk supply but i would LIKE to not feel like I am still 8 months pregnant! Help!
  • jacquel13
    jacquel13 Posts: 37 Member
    I need to lose at least another 30 lbs. my baby is 9 months old, and I'm at my prepreg weight, but this is my 5th and I need to get BEYOND my prepregnancy weight. Gah. Preferably before getting pregnant again, lol. I have been pg or nursing for the last 9 years consecutively.

    Here's to slogging along!
