Newby! Baby born August 12th

Hi all!

I'm new and just wanted to say hello. I'm 27 years old from Portland, OR and I had my first baby (a boy) on August 12th (four weeks ago). I was heavy before I got pregnant (it was a surprise pregnancy), and now I'm about 15 pounds heavier than I was before I got pregnant. I'd like to get down muuuch further than that, though.

My midwives tell me I shouldn't be exercising just yet, so I've been sticking to walking mostly. However, my labor was pretty uneventful and I only had a small tear (one stitch), so I think I'll be ready to exercise sooner than they give me credit for. :P

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself! Anyone else have a baby within the past few weeks and itching to start the weight loss process?


  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    Welcome I have a 3 yr old and 8 month old and trying to lose all the baby weight so i understand. Feel free to add me!!
    Hi all!

    I'm new and just wanted to say hello. I'm 27 years old from Portland, OR and I had my first baby (a boy) on August 12th (four weeks ago). I was heavy before I got pregnant (it was a surprise pregnancy), and now I'm about 15 pounds heavier than I was before I got pregnant. I'd like to get down muuuch further than that, though.

    My midwives tell me I shouldn't be exercising just yet, so I've been sticking to walking mostly. However, my labor was pretty uneventful and I only had a small tear (one stitch), so I think I'll be ready to exercise sooner than they give me credit for. :P

    Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself! Anyone else have a baby within the past few weeks and itching to start the weight loss process?
  • marmarben
    Also a new mom here. Had my daughter on august 7th. I wasn't given work out restrictions so I've been doing some arm workouts and walking. I'm waiting to do abs until I get cleared by my doctor.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    welcome! I know that itch. Focus on eating healthy and once you're cleared to exercise u can do that too. I have 2 kids a 20 month old and a 5 month old.
  • Cello2007
    Cello2007 Posts: 13 Member
    I had my second on August 28th and I really want to lose the weight from my first pregnancy! My first will be 2 the end of October. Feel free to add me! I had a surprise pregnancy (I had an IUD in for goodness sake!) and didn't get the weightloss work in before getting pregnant again. The good news is that I've lost the 18 lbs that I gained during the pregnancy and then some. I have 50-60 lbs to lose to get into a comfortable skinny weight for me. With my first I gained 60 lbs on top of my 20 lbs newlywed weight.

    I feel that itch too to exercise (I'm 2 weeks post partum) but I find that even doing too much housework and chasing after my currently potty training 22 month old sets me back in addition to caring for a newborn.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    congrats on the new baby!! My baby just had his 1st birthday. I have 8 children total. I have been able to resume exercising within 6 to 8 weeks with all on mine. Walking should be something you can definately do. Are you breastfeeding? feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Jenn082110
    Congrats, I'm a new mommy myself, I had my baby boy Augest 4th, and I had to have a C-Section, so I've not been cleared for exercise yet. I thnk I had ALOT of fluid on me, because within 2 weeks I had lost 25lbs, now its going alot slower because I can only diet control, and...umm... I busy with a newborn :-)
    Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other