Week 3 (15th Sept)

Hello Everybody,
Sorry that I haven't been as attentive as normal I have had both a stressful and exciting week getting ready to move to University on Friday so everything will be back to normal as of Saturday.

Anyway time to announce the next challenge well actually challenges:

Challenge 1 (exercise) - perform this set of living room activities.


on the spreadsheet there will be room to put in 1 to indicate you've done it each day of the week

Challenge 2 (diet) Fruit and Veg

The idea of this challenge is to make sure you get at least 5 portions of different fruit and veg per day and there will be room input a 1 to indicate each day you have met or surpassed this challenge.

I hope that you enjoy the challenge :)


  • dreamchaser12
    dreamchaser12 Posts: 223 Member
    Sounds good! :)
  • emilye72
    emilye72 Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah!! I love these challenges!
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Ooohh looking forward to this one!! :D x
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Ooo, those are good challenges!
  • Marie294
    Very cool! The workout video is different than I normally do, so this will be a challenge! :) And the fruits and veggies is just a GREAT idea :)
  • emilye72
    emilye72 Posts: 41 Member
    Would a portion of veggies be considered one cup?
  • TrishaB74
    This is a great one! I love love fruits and veggies and the workout looks totally doable!
  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    Would a portion of veggies be considered one cup?

    emilye--most sources say a half cup is a serving size for vegs & fruits

    I took a peek at the video and it looks very doable. Looking forward to the challenges:)
  • emilye72
    emilye72 Posts: 41 Member
    Would a portion of veggies be considered one cup?

    emilye--most sources say a half cup is a serving size for vegs & fruits

    I took a peek at the video and it looks very doable. Looking forward to the challenges:)

    Thanks! Sounds good. I already get that in easily, hoping to up my intake, and eat more natural foods this week all together.
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    I wish there was something other than the couch I could do those exercises on/against... I usually do my workouts in the basement where there's no one to see me lol. I may have to do them in the middle of the night just so I am not watched by my son or hubby. :P

    The fruits/veg is a good challenge... and good grief, 5 a day WILL be a challenge for me. I have been trying to up my veggies more often but just fall flat. I got home tonight from work to find the fridge with my "diet challenge" foods. Hubby literally went out and bought me several things for this challenge specifically...

    A good suggestion for those who don't like veggies, or can't get enough in.. Try the juice drink called "Fruitable".. they are fruit/veggie drinks kind of like V8, but they have fruit in them not just vegetables. They're actually pretty good too :)
  • sassieatl
    sassieatl Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds good :) Loving the exercises video...thank you. We are all going to succeed! Lets do it :)
  • gwendb
    gwendb Posts: 19 Member
    Love the challenges! Can't wait!
  • cjvvus
    cjvvus Posts: 89 Member
    I have liked all the challenges so far. This is a good one.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Can we count a modified version of some of the exercieses in the video?

    I have RA damage in both my wrists so pushups and the tricep dips etc are virtually impossible for me to do. I can do modified versions with my hands in a fist and not so far down, so indead of on a couch for the pushup, i can do it against a wall, etc.

    Just making sure, dont want to cheat and say i did something i didnt :)
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    Great Challenges again!

    For those who have difficulty getting all their fruits/veggies in, try smoothies. there are all kinds of recipes on the web to get you started... my suggestion, choose fruits you love and leafy greens. My fave:

    water or almond milk

  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    Excited about this challenge! I've been wanting to eat more fruit and veggies, this will definitely motivate me. As for the exercises, they look like fun. I will be doing a modified version, as with the exception of a very high bed and an office leather chair, I don't really own furniture. :blushing:
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    Is this a choice-of or both?
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    This sounds Awesome!! Already watched the video twice and wrote everything down... :D Starting as for today, just to make sure I can do it... :D
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Ok, just did the circuit twice... I feel nauseous... But I did it... :)

    Now: how do I log it in my exercises?
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    At work so can't see the vid - will have to see how I incorporate it in with my current routine but will certainly give it a go.

    Fruit and veg - easy but so essential. Might get some different things in for next week just to be a bit different.

    Charlotina - Enjoy the move to uni. Exciting times indeed!!