Wednesday, September 12th

Hey Guys!

I noticed that this forum has been a little dead lately so I decided to rev it up a little and post a new thread for today!! We have one week left of this group!!! Let's finish it strong!

Update on me:

I'm currently at my parents' house in N. Florida. It is wonderfully relaxing, which can be a HORRIBLE thing. No one in my family is interested in healthy eating or exercise. I butt heads alot with my mother and get weird comments from my siblings/neighbors when they see me eating. I'm ok with it. I've come to expect it and am 100% comfortable with my choices. I went running this morning (even if it was only 2 miles) and actually turned down EVERYTHING my mother has offered me, including (but not limited to): fried cubesteaks, homemade mac n cheese, chicken and dumplings, gravy, biscuits, an all you can eat buffet and grilled cheese sandwiches. LOL. I absolutely love this food but I know that it will create a cascade of bad eating if I have one--> it's part of my eating habits. I'll be here for a week, but one good day is a great start to the week!

Another thing that I am using as motivation while I am home is my father's health. He has had high blood pressure for years and, like everyone else in my family, is obese. He recently was put on a SECOND blood pressure medication as well as cholesterol medicine. He now gets really dizzy and lightheaded (like vertigo) when he moves quickly. He has finally realized that he needs to get his weight/health under control. He has spent the entire day resting because he hasn't felt well. I feel horrible for him. I will also be moving home at the end of October before I begin grad school next spring. He asked me this morning to help him get better. :) Gone are the days of making fun of my meals/exercise. I'm SOOO excited to come home and start this lifestyle change with him. It will definitely help keep me in check as well. I'm hoping that it will also motivate other members of my family.

So, here's to a wonderful (healthy) week for myself as well as everyone in this group! I hope you are all are having a wonderful time! I look forward to reading your updates!!



  • While I am sorry for your Father's health issues, I am glad that they are making him see he needs to do something about it. And, like you said, maybe everyone else will follow suit!

    Good Luck!!
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    been busy getting children settled into kindergarten, university and and one son moving to a new province to work at his dream job its been really hectic and stressful but we got through it and now lifes beginning to settle and the routine is sorting itself out

    my pain level is starting to diminish which is a major bonus

    Becky I'm glad your father has come round to your way of thinking stay strong and others may follow your lead
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Good luck Becky. Be true to yourself. Its YOUR health, not your family's.

    I finally have a BMI below obese and I feel sooooooooooooo soooooooo much better. Why would did i ever gain so much weight that I felt miserable? I am horrified, don't even want to think about, all the years I made poor food choices and what it did to my body. Is the damage reversible? They say so ---- but ................ never, ever going back, NEVER

    I cant believe we only have a week left. Wow, time flies.