Thoughts on Hybrid

Ok, here's the deal. I leave for Cancun in 10 weeks. I am finishing a hybrid this week and when that is done I will have done 2 rounds of X2 and a hybrid of P90x,X2 and Insanity since January. I am looking to get myself in the best "Beachbody" shape i can be by the time I leave. I am going to give my body next week to rest and then I am planning on starting this 9 week hybrid that I came up with. Take a look at this and give me your opinions on how it should work. Thanks

P90X / P90X2/ Insanity Hybrid Schedule
Week 1 + 3
Monday: Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Tuesday: P90X2 Chest, Back & Balance + X2 Ab Ripper
Wednesday: Insanity Pure Cardio
Thursday: P90X Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper
Friday: P90X2 Total Body
Saturday: P90X2 Base & Back + Insanity Cardio Abs
Sunday: Rest or X2 Recovery + Mobility

Week 2
Monday: P90X2 Plyocide
Tuesday: P90X Chest & Back + Ab Ripper
Wednesday: Insanity Pure Cardio
Thursday: P90X2 Shoulders & Arms + X2 Ab Ripper
Friday: P90X2 Core
Saturday: P90X Legs & Back + Insane Abs
Sunday: Rest or X2 Recovery + Mobility

Week 4 + 6
Monday: Insanity Max Interval Plyo
Tuesday: P90X2 V-Sculpt + Insane Abs
Wednesday: Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning
Thursday: P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps + X2 Ab Ripper
Friday: P90X2 Balance & Power
Saturday: P90X2 Base & Back + Insanity Cardio Abs
Sunday: Rest or X2 Recovery + Mobility

Week 5
Monday: Insanity Max Interval Circuit
Tuesday: P90X Back & Bicep + X2 Ab Ripper
Wednesday: P90X2 Plyocide
Thursday: P90X2 Chest, Shoulders & Tris + Insane Abs
Friday: P90X2 Total Body
Saturday: P90X Legs & Back + Ab Ripper
Sunday: Rest or X2 Recovery + Mobility

Week 7 + 9
Monday: P90X2 Chest, Back & Balance + X2 Ab Ripper
Tuesday: Insanity Max Interval Circuit
Wednesday: P90X Shoulders & Arms + Insane Abs
Thursday: P90X2 Plyocide
Friday: P90X2 Base & Back, + Ab Ripper
Saturday: P90X2 Total Body
Sunday: Rest or X2 Recovery + Mobility

Week 8
Monday: P90X2 V-Sculpt + Insane Abs
Tuesday: P90X2 Plyocide
Wednesday: P90X2 Chest, Shoulders & Tris + X2 Ab Ripper
Thursday: Insanity Max Interval Circuit
Friday: P90X Back & Biceps + Insanity Cardio Abs
Saturday: P90X2 Core
Sunday: Rest or X2 Recovery + Mobility