Little red dress, here I come!

Hola everyone! My name is Krista. I am so ready to lose! Who's with me?! We can do this....what is everyones motivation? What keeps you in the gym?

~~My motivation is a bunch of little things but most of all....its the back I hate those suckers and I will not stop till they are gone :)


  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    I'm not at the gym yet. I think I'm motivated when I see sexy looking heels with some nice clothing. Hence why your topic title caught my attention! lol.....I want to look good in those.
  • KristaJeanMFP
    KristaJeanMFP Posts: 70 Member
    I think I'll buy a little sexy red dress to wear on v-day and hang it on my door to my closet..... Im a size 12 but I used to be a size 6. If i can fit it then my goal was reached! Numbers dont really bother me. I just want to be the same size I was pre-baby. :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I want to be able to wear a bikini! That's my motivation. I'm inspired by women who wear bikinis without out "bikini bodies" and they look dang good doing it! I want to have the confidence to flaunt what I got. Today, after my workout, I also felt AMAZING! I think it's the feeling I lost after I stopped working out full-time last year. I miss that feeling, and I really want to get it back AND KEEP IT!
    ~~My motivation is a bunch of little things but most of all....its the back I hate those suckers and I will not stop till they are gone :)
    When I did the 30 Day Shred, my back totally got leaner! It's amazing what lifting 5 pound weights consistently can do!
  • KristaJeanMFP
    KristaJeanMFP Posts: 70 Member
    Ahhh the dreaded one piece.... I feel ya there. Every time I need a new suit I'm drawn to the one piece because of my insecurities about my body. But those bikinis are just too dang cute. I ended up buying a bikini anyway and wore a coverup. I want to have the confidence to throw that coverup in the trash!

    My guy is taking me on a cruise in March for our anniversary so I want my body to look great in our pictures! I want to wear a bikini on the beach and make good memories and not be a negative nancy because I'm uncomfortable. I think thats a great motivation!

    What's the 30 Day Shred? And where do I get it? lol
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    I have a gorgeous blue pre-pregnancy dress I want to fit into again... I also bought a little skirt that is a bit too tight right now. When I fit into both comfortable on V-day, I will post the pics and celebrate. :)