Hello Fab 40s folks!

I am new to MFP and looking for buddies. I have a very hectic life and often let it get the best of me. I am a wife, mom, full time professional and college student, but I have to learn to make a healthy lifestyle part of my life. Looking forward to meeting you all!


  • Lindylaloo
    Lindylaloo Posts: 18 Member
    That sounds just like my life a couple of years ago when I gained most of my extra!! Good luck and request sent!!
  • Good luck Brandi!
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Hello and welcome!
  • ajpeardon
    ajpeardon Posts: 25 Member
    Hi to you too! I just found this group the other day and it seems like a great group of like minded and supportive gals! Been on MFP since March and lost 30 so far, needing to drop another 30 so am hoping to get back on track myself and cheer some others on too! I sent you a friend request.