Choices have it's Consequences

Ok so I thought that I was 140lbs when I started this, I was in denial. I weigh in at 150 lbs. I have weighed myself twice in a month after exercising and trying and cheating. My diet is not bad but I do cheat here and there. I don't know what going on. I have come to grips with my size after trying on clothes and not being able to fit anything I have. Acknowledgement is the key to help you reach your goals. My weight has literally stayed the same but I will not give up. I am determined to loose 25lbs by my birthday on November 14th. I need support, something that I have never needed in weight lost. Sometimes I wish that I was pregnent just so I would have an excuse to looking 3 months pregers. Well her I go, im not giving up!!! I will not lose to fat or anything else. Period!


  • IsisRosa
    IsisRosa Posts: 57 Member
    You can do it! I'm kind of in the same boat. I feel like I'm thinner than I really am. I look at myself in the mirror (clothed) and I look thin, but I have an overweight BMI, a 37 inch waist and wear a size 12/14. I can't be thin, but my eyes are tricking me.