Resonable Pregnancy Weight Gain Help



  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member

    Even the stuff I bought at Motherhood Maternity ($$) was rather crappy quality! Honestly JCPenney and Old Navy were the better bets for being affordable and for quality matching the price. I never did well with maternity jeans, so I will probably stick to dresses and more casual pants for when I am not working. Thankfully it doesn't get very cold here in the winter (usually), so coats aren't a big deal.

    A lot of consignment shops apparently won't deal in maternity clothes because people will borrow things from other people, then sell them, and the original owner will come to the store demanding their stuff. So buying used stuff in person is a rarity, at least by me. There are people on craigslist who are selling individual maternity items, but it's so much effort to go through meeting up with a person and then possibly not buying anything. That's why I sold my old stuff as a lot - I didn't want someone going through and picking and choosing - but I priced it to sell that way so that they could justify it if there were a few pieces they didn't like or that didn't fit.

    I think I am going to end up buying a majority of my stuff new again, and then I'll sell it as a lot afterwards.

    Ugh, don't get me started about Motherhood! They're the ones who promised the jeans would stretch out! The customer service at the store I went to was absolutely awful, too, so after two visits (and only purchasing 1 pair of jeans and two gym tanks because their quality is so bad) I refuse to go back. In Canada we're pretty limited with maternity options. The other big maternity store we have is Thyme. I've always had good service there and their style is more my thing, but I still feel the quality isn't up to snuff (esp the material of their shirts). Old Navy here sell maternity, but only a *very* limited amount, and only at certain locations. Aside from that all I can find are boutiques, and they're crazy expensive.

    I went through my friend's maternity clothes last time I was home. I picked out a couple of regular Old Navy items in larger sizes that are only good for lounging around the house, but only one maternity top. Unfortunately she and I are too off in height/size to share most clothes, which was a drag because she had a ton that she'd gotten from other people. And of course in the city where I'm now living I don't have any friends with kids, so no maternity clothes to pass along here!

    As for jeans, I think the key is to get ones that have the panel/band that feel more like cotton than spandex. They stay up way better! (My Motherhood jeans had the spandex-y panel) And with my second pair, I erred on the side of caution and bought ones that are a smidge bigger/more relaxed style than I would normally like, because at this point I don't want to be wearing snug jeans!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Old Navy here sell maternity, but only a *very* limited amount, and only at certain locations. Aside from that all I can find are boutiques, and they're crazy expensive.

    None of the Old Navy stores in my area sell maternity; the closest one that does is two hours away, so I have to buy online. I did that last time and was able to return a couple of things to the store, but for some reason the few things I ordered that are on their way are not returnable in-store. I hope they all fit ok because I don't feel like paying return shipping, especially for how inexpensive the items were!

    Oh, and we have the lovely boutiques, too. I say lovely because they really are lovely, but I am not up for paying $75-$150 (or more) for a dress. I'm not likely to spend that on a non-maternity dress, let alone for something I may wear for four or five months, max.

    I happened to look on Ann Taylor Loft the other day (because I love the Loft Outlet and can really get some great deals there), and they do sell maternity clothes online. However, their "sale" stuff was still WAY out of my price range. I can't justify $50 on a maternity dress, sorry.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    By the way, let me apologize for leading the thread on a semi-related tangent about maternity clothes. I feel the need to start another thread on this and get back to the pregnancy weight gain discussion.

  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    I will restart the weight gain thread! =)

    I was proud that I maintained my 8 lb gain for 2 weeks (I'm 15+5), then BAM! I gained 3.2 pounds in 2 days (and stayed)! Ugh i guess we will gain what we have to. Now I am at a weight gain of 12.2 pound and I'm not even 16 weeks yet. I didn't have any morning sickness, so maybe that is why I have gained so much. I still look normal in my arms/legs/collar bone, so hopefully it is baby related and not fat related!!!! =)
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    The weight gain feels a bit random. At 26 weeks, I felt ok about my 18 pound weight gain (which had been slow and steady after the first trimester). Then, "somehow," between 26 and 27, I gained 4 pounds--bringing me up to 22 pounds at 27 weeks. I was not as good about what I ate or tracking this past week, so I know that plays a significant part. But, man...