Anyone use Fenugreek?

StephFork Posts: 182 Member
I'm thinking about trying it out to increase my milk supply. I don't think it's super low but with breast feeding and pumping for storage I don't seem to be storing enough. I only have about a 30 ounces stored up right now and my son will be 1 month old tomorrow. Anyone have experience good or bad with using this? I'm a little worried that it could increase my supply too much but it would be nice to be able to get more out with each pumping session. Right now I get an average of 2oz for 15 minutes of pumping and I pump 4-6 times a day.


  • sabgoe
    sabgoe Posts: 65 Member
    Personally, I think there is only one thing that will increase your milk supply and that is nursing more often. The more you nurse, the more you produce.
  • lbg257
    lbg257 Posts: 20 Member
    I tried it--didn't work for me--but i barely produced any milk and had to give up bfing--sounds like you are doing well though--good luck!
  • KWKY
    KWKY Posts: 110 Member
    It didn't work for me either, but I used Holle (German organic brand?) nursing tea and it did wonders...

    As did sleep, but I doubt you have that sort of luxury :D

    good luck!
  • Hearndt
    Hearndt Posts: 40 Member
    I saw a very minimal increase. Biggest boosters for me were balanced meals and sleep.
  • AmelieJG
    well I personally would be THRILLED to be making that much! I'm on baby number 3 and I have used Fenugreek to get my supply up with success.

    Edit- I should note that with my first I literally wasn't making anything - (They drew blood before/after nursing and said I didn't have enough (any?) pro lactin) LC suggested I try it anyways but it did not work (neither did any of the teas, giving him formula not from a bottle but from a little plastic line that I put next to my nipple, pumping/nursing a lot, goats rue etc) However, with the second two kids I was making milk but not enough and I saw a great increase in supply with it.
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    Dang sounds like there's no "easy" way but I will work on breastfeeding more if that's possible! Lol.. He only gets 1 or 2 bottles a day right now. I do get at least 7 hours of sleep a night so I think that's pretty good. I'll keep using the fenugreek for a week or 2 to see if it does anything. Thanks for all of the responces! :)