How much do you want to lose?

ewestsca Posts: 63 Member
Hi. I'm Dawn and my goal is 160 lbs by this time next year. I haven't weighed that much since high school. I'm working out for the first time and watching what I'm eating.

My goal is to lose 69 lbs in one year.

SW: 229
CW: 219
GW: 160


  • Kate964
    Kate964 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello I'm Kate, i was an at home mom and now i am an empty-nester. i started working 4 days a week 2 years ago as a housekeeper at a hospital so i am always on the go there, and on the couch here at home. i need help with my motivation to do more moving on my days off, encouragement to keep to my diet, and i will do the same for you.
    so i want to lose another 85 pounds.
  • RedBirdFan20
    Hello I'm Dixie. I have been trying to lose the same 30 pounds for about 3 years without much luck. My daughter-in-law told me about this program and so I decided to give it a try. I've only been on this about a month now and have lost 5 pounds so far. It may not seem like a lot but it sure is to me. I gives me hope again that I can finally get to my goal.

    So I started this at 167 and I want to be 140, I know it doesn't sound like much but for me it is and I've been struggling.
  • kamronluv
    hi my name is kamron 24 & a mom of a 4 year old boy
    i havent lost the pregnancy weight yet
    and its been 4 years!!!
    ive been procrastinating for sooo long & im ready to get back to my pre baby weight
    so far ive lost 6 pounds and cut out soda which was like water to
    i weigh 180 now & im trying to get down to 135
  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    Hi! I'm hoping this group doesn't fizzle out like my other groups seem to have. My name is Lindsay.
    I started out at 224 - the heaviest I've ever been - in January of this year.
    My current weight is 197 (+/- 1 lb ALL FRIGGIN MONTH).
    My goal weight is 140-145 by my 30th birthday in April 2013 OR my trip to Cancun in June 2013. Heck, at this point, another 30 lbs would be awesome & completely acceptable.

    I've got another 50-57 lbs to lose. I've almost completed the Couch to 5k program, and I've really enjoyed seeing my body transform through jogging - which I've ALWAYS hated, until now.
  • Platypusimus
    Platypusimus Posts: 33 Member
    Well... I am not sure exactly how much I want to lose total - I've been heavy since I was a kid. But I do know that I need to be under 180. Currently I have gained weight from my SW but only a few pounds, and my trainer has me strength training while doing cardio.

    CW: 269
    SW: 265
    GW: Unknown, but for now 170?
  • mluanne33
    mluanne33 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello my name is Luanne and I have struggled with my weight for a long long time. This spring I was told I have Type 2 diabetes and I have come to realize that I do not need to diet I need to change the way I eat !! I have tried very hard and my diabetes has improved, but I still have a ways to go. Friends and support is very important to keeping me on track. Anyone and everyone is welcome to friend me. Support and motivation is a two way street with me.

    Starting weight 185
    Current weight 164
    First goal 160
    If I can reach my first goal I want to increase my goal by 10 pounds each time.......I think I can do it....I think I can........I know I can !!
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Hello! My name is Leila. I work at a school and I have two boys--including my husband would be 3. Lol. It's hectic and I have a tight schedule just like all of you. I would like to work early in the morning but since I work at a school I don't have time however, I do it every time after school.

    SW: 177
    CW: 169
    GW: 130
  • rsethridge
    rsethridge Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all. My name is Rebecca. My 30th bday is just 2 weeks away and I had really planned on being closer to my goal by now. I started at 158, currently 154 after 6 weeks of diet and gym (very disappointing). I work full time, have 2 boys (4th grade and preschool), and I have very little time to exercise in combination with a house full of boys that love love love carbs and anything fried.

    I'm trying to change what we eat as a family but right now it’s more or less their meals and a separate meal for me, which is hard.

    My goal weight is 120. I'm 5'1"..... Keep up the good work everyone! I'm hoping with a group, I will be more accountable for my diet and exercise routine as I obvioulsy can't do it on my own.
  • Tracepa98
    Hi everyone. I'm Tracy.

    Ive been heavy most of my life and it affected my childhood and self esteem greatly. Called names (especially from family). Always picked last for sports at school in gym. So i did what most do...I ate for comfort.

    Ive had a lot of sad and tough times in my life and this time I'm taking myself to a higher level. Dropping the weight and I want to travel, explore and experience new things.

    SW- 275

    Ive only been on MFP for a month. I understand the basics and love the food log. My family thinks I'm nuts and anal-retentive for analyzing things. But NOT reading labels and making bad food choices is what got me here in the first place.

    So very glad I found this site and am surrounded with like people with the same goal in mind. To be healthy!
  • kurusbanget
    kurusbanget Posts: 9 Member
    I am V from Northeast Ohio. I am 162 lbs right now, starting weight 170 lbs. I would like to be 140 lbs. It may not sound like a lot but I have been struggling with my weight going up and down. This time I would like to be serious and make it a permanent commitment.

    Let's do this!
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    Count me in. I've been heavy as long as I can remember (and I'm 71). This past year I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds over and over and over again. Really tired of that.

    Health problems? Yeah, but no excuses here.
  • Pooj_K
    Pooj_K Posts: 45 Member
    Hey everyone! I am Pooja . I am at 160 right now but would really want to get down to 140 first. Just started going to the gym regularly. Need all the motivation I can get !

    Feel free to add me!
  • Mandymou77
    Im wanting to lose 70 lbs, that will put me around 138-140 hopefully by next spring! My goal is my youngest sons 1st birthday!
  • IowaKate
    Hi! My name is Kate, I am 37, and live in Iowa. I am the mother of two very active children, 11 and 21. I started my journey 4 weeks ago, and have been pretty faithful to my new lifestyle! I have tried this many many times, but this is the first time that I have successfully fit activity into my life! I am thrilled to be on this journey!

    I was at my all time high weight on August 27, and that was a big wake up call for me. I would like to be at my goal weight by my 40th birthday, about 18 months away. I will do my best to remember to check-in here, but I am also looking for a few friends that are on a similar journey - and are NOT into the negative attention seeking that seems to go on around here! I am looking for people to share cheers, tips for living, and the daily ups and downs of life! So drop me a request too! Let's do this together!!

    Height: 5'10"
    SW: 318 lbs
    CW: 302
    GW: 188
  • LauraAnn52
    LauraAnn52 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello, I need to lose over 100 pounds. I have done this countless times before and always gain the weight back. This time I intend to lose the weight and keep it off for good!
  • bhbythesea
    Hi Everyone, I want to lose 60-70 lbs and I am really struggling with what works for me. I joined MFP several months ago but didn't start checking in and keeping track of what I eat until last week. I'm hoping it will help. Also, my husband is absolutely NO HELP when it comes to dieting and there is no one else I know (family, friends or co-workers) on this journey so I am came here looking for encouragement/support :)!
  • HelloImKelsey
    HelloImKelsey Posts: 53 Member
    Hey Everyone!,
    Im 197 pounds and trying to lose 73 to bring me down to 125. I really would like to be at my goal in a year!
    Good luck to everyone :)
  • crazygurl456
    crazygurl456 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, I'm Ashley, I am 18 years old and trying to get slim. I have never been a teeny tiny girl and I don't want to be, I do however want to slim down my tummy and thighs and have the cute little figure I had about 4 years ago. I used to weigh 175 pounds and I started working out at 220 pounds. That's 45 pounds! My goal is to get back to that 175 but I don't plan on stopping there! I want to be able to put on a bikini and be comfortable enough to rock it! instead of cowering in the shade with a towel over myself. I've been working out and eating better for a week now and have lost 1 pound, it isn't alot but it's a good start for me!

    I would love to help anyone else and be there for support and encouragement as much as I would love to recieve it also!
    We can do this everyone, we are strong people and can achieve anything we want! Believe in yourselves!!

    SW: 220 pounds
    CW: 219 pounds
    GW: 175 pounds (but I won't be stopping there!)
  • Akgramma
    Akgramma Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I want to lose at least 30 pounds. That will put me at a weight that should really help ease some of my aches and pains with my arthritic knees. I have 4 precious little grandsons who are such joy and delight that i want to remain active in their lives for many years to come. It seems I have been on a roller coaster of ups & downs with 2 pounds for the past several weeks. Trying to break that trend by changing up my activity. It is extremely encouraging for me to read your posts and help celebrate your successes!

    SW: 185
    CW: 171
    GW: 140 (at least)
  • VixianKit
    VixianKit Posts: 13 Member
    I have alot to lose and i am so thankful for everyone being here as a support group ^_^

    SW- 310
    CW-? i need a scale >.<
    GW- 130